Nov 28, 2007

IAAEM M.S Thesis Award, PhD Dissertation Award

International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Management (IAAEM)

*IAAEM M.S. Thesis Award in Aquaculture Economics and Management*

The M.S. Thesis Award will recognize research excellence and contribution to the profession by an M.S. graduate in the area of aquaculture economics. Recipients of the award will receive an honorarium of $300 and reimbursement of $200 for travel to attend the WAS meeting in Busan Korea May 19-23 2008.

Nomination requirements:
- Eligible for nomination are final M.S. theses with a completion date during calendar year 2006 or 2007.
- A letter of nomination from the department head (or chair) where the thesis was completed. The letter should state the nominee's name, title of the thesis, adviser's name, name of the institution, and a brief outline of the merits of the work.
- Three (3) copies of the thesis. Copies should be double-sided and spiral bound. Upon request, copies will be returned. If return is desired, a return mailing address must be provided.
- Deadline for receipt of entries for theses completed in 2006 is April 15 2007.
- Deadline for receipt of entries for theses completed in 2007 is January 15 2008.
- Entries should be sent to: Prof. Donna J. Lee, Award Subcommittee Chair, PO Box 110240, University of Florida, Gainesville Florida, 32611-0240
Questions? Email :
For more information about the International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Management please go to cengle/IAAEM

*IAAEM's 2nd Annual Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Aquaculture Economics and Management*

The Ph.D. Dissertation Award will recognize research excellence and contribution to the profession by a doctoral candidate in the area of aquaculture economics. The recipients of the award will receive an honorarium of $1,000 and reimbursement of $500 for travel to attend the WAS meeting in Busan Korea May 19-23 2008.

Nomination requirements:
- Eligible for nomination are final dissertations with a completion date during calendar year 2006 or 2007.
- A letter of nomination from the department head (or chair) where the dissertation was completed. The letter should state the nominee's name, title of the dissertation, adviser's name, name of the institution, and a brief outline of the merits of the research.
- Three (3) copies of the dissertation. Copies should be double-sided and spiral bound. Upon request, copies will be returned. If return is desired, a return mailing address should be provided.
- Deadline for receipt of entries for theses completed in 2006 is April 15 2007.
- Deadline for receipt of entries for theses completed in 2007 is January 15 2008.
- Entries should be sent to: Prof. Donna J. Lee, Award Subcommittee Chair, PO Box 110240, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32611-0240.
Questions? Email :
For more information about the International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Management please go to cengle/IAAEM

*IAAEM Graduate Student Travel Award*
IAAEM will be offering awards to students for travel to future WAS and AA meetings. The award amount is $325 per student. To qualify for an award, applicants must present a paper at the meeting. Papers must contain an economic, management, or marketing theme to receive consideration. Winners will be notified by email approximately two months before the meeting. Award checks will be distributed during the meeting at the scheduled awards ceremony or the IAAEM board meeting. For more information, contact: Prof. Donna J. Lee, Award Subcommittee Chair,

For further information, please visit:
http://www.uaex. edu/cengle/ IAAEM/Newsletter /IAAEM-newslette r-Feb-2007- v2.pdf

Warm regards,
Nurul Af-idati

[sursa beasiswa]

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