Nov 18, 2007

International Master degree in Horticultural Sciences (IMaHS)

Dear Embassies and Consulates,

The Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna Faculty of Agriculture announces the International Master degree in Horticultural Sciences (IMaHS).

The International Master in Horticultural Sciences is jointly offered by the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (UNIBO), the Technical University of Munich (TUM, Weihenstephan, Germany) and the University for Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences of Vienna (BOKU).

This master's course is a fantastic opportunity for third country student to join a tantalizing educational environment. In addition to the Erasmus studentship for EU graduates, twenty fellowships (21,000 € ¦Ã¢’¢¬ per year) will be available for the most promising third country applicants.

The strong integration among three European leading Universities will provide a wide range of complementary expertises contributing to create a holistic preparation for the future graduates. The teaching staff will include 28 EU professors and 5 Third-country scholars per year.

By the agreement in force between the University of Bologna and the Universities of Munich and Vienna, the student, beyond obtaining the Italian degree, denominated Laurea Specialistica in Ortofrutticoltura Internazionale, will also receive the corresponding degree from the Partner University in which he/she will have acquired the 30 credits required. These are the Master of Science of the Technical University of Munich, and the Diplom Ingenieur of the University of Vienna.

The course will be open to 25 EU Students and 20 Third-country Students

All the details about the Master's Course (formative aims, fees, mode and time of application, application forms...) are available at:

www.imhas.unibo. it

We'll be very grateful if you could diffuse the news about the master to the interested students and if you can facilitate the administrative procedures for applicants to IMaHS

Thank you in advance for your support

Dr. Francesco Spinelli (PhD)
IMaHS co-coordinator

Department of Fruit Tree and Woody Plant Sciences
Alma Mater Studiorum -University of Bologna
viale Fanin 46, 40127
Bologna - Italy

Phone: +39 051 2096447
Fax: +39 051 2096401

[sursa beasiswa]

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