Dec 4, 2007

Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Conference 2008, 14-16 March 2008,

Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Conference 2008:
14-16 March 2008, Bangkok, Thailand

Dear Students, Scholars, NGO and corporate representatives, aspiring and accomplished leaders, we are happy to announce a great opportunity to gain exposure to other cultures while expanding your social network and adding valuable interest to your resume.

Every day, throughout the world, a person is being judged on a range of grounds, including racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability, sexual orientation and many others.

We would like to hear the voice of you, directly affected by intolerance of diversity or any form of discrimination as well as investigate different tools and techniques to avoid/fight these maladies of today?s world.

The Conference aims to search for deeply embedded historical and cultural causes for any form of intolerance between people. By presenting this problem from a global/regional point of view, we will get a wider image on possible ways to prevent this kind of behavior in the particular communities as well as emphasize the problem on a global level.

We will also try to explore legislative issues, anti-discrimination laws and policies that are being applied with more or less success worldwide ? we will also give space to the international NGO?s and government agencies directly involved in raising above prejudice and ignorance.

The Conference is open to students and scholars who would like to raise awareness on the key factors of intolerance and discrimination and bring some valuable knowledge back to their communities where they will successfully apply it.

We hope we will have a pleasure to welcome you at this highly challenging and exciting international event and we look forward to meeting you in March in Bangkok!

Tomorrow People Organization believes in education for life and education for change. We welcome participants of all ages, but especially students and young professionals, who have most to gain from our programs in terms of human capital development and professional counseling and support. We encourage our participants to implement their newly acquired skills in practice and to share their knowledge
with their colleagues and community members, thus acting as agents of positive change. Our mission is to educate global citizens?future leaders!

More information on ILC 2006 including price is available at:
http://www.tomorrow index.php? option=com_ content&task= view&id=95& Itemid=171

Apply NOW on-line at:
http://www.tomorrow index.php? option=com_ performs& formid=22& Itemid=180

DADC 2008 Team
Tomorrow People Organization
contact@tomorrowpeo www.tomorrowpeople. org

[sursa e-nass]

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