Scholarship / Financial aid: a bursary of up to £17,000 plus fees available
Date: Three years
Deadline: 31 January 2008
Open to: UK and EU students
Announcement follows:
Over the past four years Cranfield University has been working on the development of a new architecture for LED devices. This has resulted in a series of invited talks, published papers and the developing of patentable technology. Following on from this, the group is now diversifying into Photovoltaic devices, using an in-situ nano-growth-mechanism.
Cranfield now has a vacancy for a high quality candidate to undertake a PhD research project in this area. The project will develop nanostructures, which will then be used to build all-inorganic solar cells. There is the possibility of exchange visits to other laboratories for periods during the course of the PhD.
The successful candidate will work in collaboration with Cranfield University’s Nanotechnology Centre, which undertakes leading research spanning from the development of new functional materials through to prototyping of microelectromechanical system (MEMS) devices. The Centre’s work is truly multidisciplinary and encompasses such diverse fields as microengineering, nanotechnology, biology, materials science, physics and chemistry. You will have access to 'state-of-the-art' hardware and software, be part of a growing team that seeks to address industrial problems while maintaining a strong 'science and technology' base.
Entry requirements
Applicants should have a First or Second Class UK Honours degree, or equivalent in a physical sciences or related discipline and a desire to work in a strong multidisciplinary environment.
*Supported by an EPSRC DTA bursary, this studentship will cover the tuition fees and provide a bursary of up to £17,000 p.a. for three years dependent upon qualifications, experience and project. The studentship is ONLY open to UK and EU candidates. EU applicants may be eligible for a full award if they have been in full-time education or in employment in the UK throughout the three years preceding the start date of the programme of research study. Other EU students are only eligible for support in relation to tuition fees.
Application form at
[sursa eastchance]
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