Apr 8, 2008

MSc IT degree IMPIT 2008 application cycle opened

Dear colleague,

we are now accepting applications to our international master degree program in IT. Each year about twenty talented students from all around the world are selected to complete their master studies in Joensuu, Lappeenranta, or Kuopio, Finland. One of the aims of the program is that students can be employed by a Finnish ICT-company during the second year of the studies. Strong research profiles of the involved departments allow research oriented students to actively participate and obtain training for future PhD studies.

The basic admission requirements are similar to those from the previous years: IMPIT accepts students with BSc or equivalent completed studies in information technologies, computer science or related field. Since the program is taught entirely in English, a perfect knowledge of English is a must. Please notice that there are no tuition fees.

The application form and instructions are available at:
http://cs.joensuu. fi/impit/ index.php? page=admission- 2008---2009

I would be happy if you could spread this call among prospective applicants. With questions, please, do not hesitate and contact impit@cs.joensuu. fi. More details about the program are available on the web-page: http://cs.joensuu. fi/impit/



[sursa study-x]

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