All submissions will go through a double-blind peer review process, and will be published online upon acceptance. The entire process will be handled online, and comments and revisions will be provided to the contributors as soon as they become available. We encourage post-graduate students, junior scholars and non-academics to submit articles of high quality. Senior scholars may, in addition, use our journal to publish review articles, theoretical or methodological papers, and opinion pieces. A limited number of book reviews are also published, preferably those that bring marginalized works to light or that cast a new light on major works.
For the first issue, we are now accepting submissions of articles, book review suggestions, review articles (extended reviews of major publications or trends in the field). Articles should be written in English – either American or British. Articles for Transcience should generally not exceed 10,000 words. Each submission should be accompanied by a cover letter with the author's name, postal address, phone number and e-mail address, as well as a brief biographical statement, a 100-200 word abstract, and a word count. Submissions should be in MS Word, Times New Roman font, 12-point. There should be as little formatting as possible, authors should especially refrain from using macros and auto-format. Material for publication can be submitted as an e-mail attachment, preferably in MS word. Since submissions are refereed anonymously, the author's name should appear only on the cover sheet. Notes should be endnotes not footnotes. Maps should be prepared where the topography is important for an understanding of the text. Photographs should specifically enhance the text and carry full captions and attributions. Maps, photographs and diagrams should be submitted in separate files with an indication of their approximate placement in the text. Quotations should be in double quotation marks followed by the source in brackets (author year: page). The bibliography should be in the following format:
Name (year): Title, place: publisher
Name (year): “Title”, in: Journal/edited volume, pp. x-xx
Submission address:
Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!