Feb 9, 2010

CfP: 6th CEU Conference in Social Sciences, “Social Science Perspectives on Global Transformations and Social Change”

Call for papers
6th CEU Conference in Social Sciences, “Social Science Perspectives on Global Transformations and Social Change”
16-18 April, 2010, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

12 Panels

Politics 1 2.0: Politics and Political Science in the Information Age. Chair: Dylan Kissane (dylan.kissane@laposte.net)

Panel 2: Blurry Lenses? Perceptions of the Past after Two Decades. Chair: Marius Stan (marius22stan@yahoo.com)

Panel 3: Changing boundaries of political membership.Chair: Costica Dumbrava (costica.dumbrava@eui.eu)

Panel 4: Are They Drifting Into Adulthood? Past, present and future of New European Democracies. Chair: Daniela Sirinic (dsirinic@gmail.com)

Panel 5: Roles, Functions, and Organization of Political Parties in New Democracies.Chairs: Oleksandr Svyetlov svyetlov@googlemail.com) Sergiu Gherghina

Panel 6: Political Participation in a Comparative Perspective. Chair: Gabor Toka (tokag@ceu.hu). Panel completed, no more applications are accepted.

Panel 7: Social Consequences of Economic Crisis.Chair: Marta Kahancova (perg@ceu.hu)

Panel 8: Economic Nationalism in Europe. Chair: Thomas Fetzer (perg@ceu.hu)

Panel 9: Six years after, twelve members more: The impact of the Eastward Enlargements on the Policy-Making Process and Political Dynamics of the EU. Chair: Stefano Braghiroli (stefano.braghiroli@gmail.com)

Panel 10: Political Behavior. Chair: Gabor Toka (tokag@ceu.hu). Panel completed, no more applications are accepted.

Panel 11: Quantitative Research Methodology. Chair: Levente Littvay (littvayl@ceu-budapest.edu). Panel completed, no more applications are accepted.

Panel 12: Parliaments in Crisis: Why and Where to? Chair: Irina Ionescu (ionescu_irina2003@yahoo.com)

We encourage graduate students and young faculty to apply with papers to one of the following panels. Applications consist of the paper abstract (max. 250 words) and a short CV/resume (max. 2 pages) to be sent directly to the panel chair (e-mail address is provided in brackets). Deadline for paper applications: March 1, 2010. Results are
available after March 4. However, applications may end earlier, as soon as the panel chairs are satisfied with the composition of their panels.

The working language of the conference is English. There is no participation fee. Accommodation and meals will be provided for all participants.

You can read the general conference announcement at: http://www.personal.ceu.hu/PolSciJournal

best wishes,
(Mr) Costica Dumbrava
PhD Researcher

European University Institute
Social & Political Sciences
P.O. Box 38 Via dei Roccettini 9,
San Domenico di Fiesole (FI)
50014 Italy Tel. 0039 3288 238061

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