Nov 19, 2006

CfP: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions

Dear Madam/Sir!

I am pleased to inform you about the upcoming workshop "Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions"

on the 19th and 20th March 2007 in Graz, Austria.

The objectives of the workshop are:

• To strengthen and improve the multidisciplinary approach to climate change related issues

• To generate ideas for research projects

• To meet potential research partners

Participants are encouraged to prepare short posters/presentatio ns on their current research as well as their research interests, and are kindly asked to submit abstracts on one of the topics of the workshop that can be found at
http://www.joanneum .at/climate/ Docs/pbf06119ief _climate_ cfa_v2.1w. pdf

For participating please send an email including your abstract and the reply form by 30th November to Climate@joanneum. at

I would appreciate if you could forward this email to potentially interested people.

Best regards,
Daniel Steiner

Climate Change Causes Impacts Solutions
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellsch aft mbH
Dr. Bernhard Schlamadinger
Dr. Franz Prettenthaler
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 876 1432
Fax : +43 316 8769 1432
reply to : mailto:Climate@joanneum. at

[sursa balkans]