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*Date:* *Saturday, 28th April 2007*
*Time:** 10am – 5pm*
*Venue:** King's College, University of London, the Strand, London WC2R 2LS*
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There have been unprecedented developments in Arab and Muslim media during the last ten years. The emergence of satellite TV, the internet and digital technology have dramatically changed the way audience receive information and interact with the media. The sudden success of Al-Jazeera channel and other Arab broadcasters have altered the way the Arab world narrates itself and reports news from the region to the rest of the world. A challenge to global media (like BBC and CNN) emerged during the invasion of Iraq (2003) and its aftermath in what has been known as the battle to win Arabs and Muslims' hearts and minds.
The scope of this conference will be wide, relating to media, communication and culture in not only the 'Middle East', but the 22 countries of the Arab world in addition to the rest of the Muslim countries in Africa and Asia. In addition, research is welcome that addresses diasporic and minority media like television, radio and the internet especially in Europe and the USA. We will be interested to know who their audiences are, how influential those media outlets are, how they are consumed and what impact do they have on their audiences' sense of identity and belonging.
Because of the importance of understanding existing and ongoing research on these topics, CAMMRO will be holding a research/doctoral forum to bring together research students who are studying Arab or Muslim media of all types. This forum will be an international symposium for academics, Ph.D. candidates and Master's students to debate the growing role of media and communication in social change in the Muslim communities around the world.
*Conference organization: *
Students, who will be expected to present papers based on or part of their Ph.D. or M.A. dissertations, will be given the opportunity to relate their important and relevant research to other students and to academics, enabling them to form networks for future collaboration or material resources. Panel presentations will be organized according to topic. Keynote speakers of prestigious status will be speaking as well, and established academics will be in attendance, which will provide further feedback on students' research. Exceptional papers may be published in CAMMRO's journal, the *Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research*, the first edition of which will be published soon.
*Contributions are welcome regarding the following themes:*
- Communication and development in the Arab region
- Media and the Construction of public opinion
- The impact of satellite TV on the perception of democracy
- Media and social change in the Arab and Muslim world
- Media coverage of the Arab/Israeli conflict
- Use of satellite TV and the internet by the Jihadi groups
- Media and women empowerment
- Diasporic media and diasporic audiences**
- Media and minorities
- Global media and its impact on local cultures
- Arab media and the challenge to global news networks
- Blogging and the changing face of journalism practice
- Reality TV and the tabloidisation of Arab media
- Pan-Arab Satellite TV and the transnational public Sphere
- Media and subcultures in the Arab world
*We welcome contributions from around the world about the above mentioned areas of enquiry. Abstracts to be considered for symposium panel presentations should be submitted electronically by 30th January 2007. Each abstract should be no more than 500 words, and each presentation should be no more than 15 minutes.
*Contact us:*
Please send your abstracts and all enquiries to:
*Olivia Allison, *
*King's College, University of London.*
*E-mail: forum@cammro. com*
*Tel: 07985636588*
*www.cammro. com*
[sursa e-nass]