The theme of the 4th edition is "Political Marketing Concepts for Effective Leadership Beahviour"
Deadline for conference abstract submission: January 15th 2007
Deadline for Doctoral colloquium applications submissions: February 10, 2007 Deadline for paper submission: March 20th 2007
In a fast moving world societies and cultures are shaped by powerful or weak leaders. The impact on politics and policies is not only by classical political leaders, political officials to say. Corporate leaders, cultural leaders, or even media-stars are moving the local, nation or world agenda. On a market that becomes the whole society ideas and values are in an extensive process of exchange and change. The processes of societal or group transformation are multi-directional, and thus the leaders themselves get influenced in the development. As it stands as a witness of these evolutions, political marketing is interested to understand the role and means of action leaders build up when acting on the societal market. We invite you to participate in this wide debate of how political marketing can outline effective leadership and comprehend the political changes determined by the interactions of leaders and various social and political groups. The Conference will be framed by some general areas of interest for political marketing but also by specific topics relevant to the theme.
Thus, we call applicants to concentrate the effort on the following directions:
a) The use of political marketing strategy patterns for effective political leadership.
b) Comparative marketing of political organizations and political leaders. A special attention will be addressed to the marketing of political parties as organizations of leaders.
c) Mass-media role in the rising and fall of political leadership.
d) The impact of leaders on public agenda.
e) The influence of political culture on marketing political leaders.
f) The ethics of political marketing in relation to leadership behavior.
g) The risk evaluation in political campaigns as an instrument for competitive political leaders.
h) Lobbying and Public Affairs in Europe and the EU post enlargement. This is a special panel having the Journal of Public Affairs as a partner.
i) Political Marketing Concepts for Effective Public Diplomacy.
Who can apply
The conference is open to students (graduates and undergraduates in their final years), scholars, researchers and practitioners in Political Marketing who are willing to present research papers or to assist in the event.
The International Political Marketing Conference is preceded by a Doctoral Colloquium open to PhD students.
There are several ways to participate in the conference:
1) Active participant only in the Conference
2) Active participant only in the Doctoral Colloquium
3) Active participant both in the Conference and Doctoral Colloquium (different applications)
4) Public of the Conference (you must also apply / see Submission Forms)
Important dates
Conference abstract submission: January 15, 2007
Conference abstract acceptance notification: February 5, 2007
Doctoral colloquium applications submissions: February 10, 2007
Doctoral colloquium applications acceptance notification: February 20, 2007
Early registration: February 25, 2007
Regular registration: March 10, 2007
Papers submission: March 20, 2007
Conference period: April 17-21, 2007
How to apply
Read the abstract submission guidelines on the website
(http://conference. html/submission_ forms.html)
Send the abstract via e-mail to the e-mail address
administrator2007@ politicalmarketi
or submit it online.
Please visit the official web site of the Conference:
Irina Bota
Romanian Political Marketing Association
Communication Coordinator, 4th International Political Marketing Conference
irina.bota@politica lmarketing. ro
[sursa moldova_doc]