Graduate assistantships are available in behavioural evolution in the laboratory of Dr. Sue Bertram at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA. These positions will begin September, 2007 (possibly December 2008).
I am looking for exceptional graduate students who are broadly interested in studying insect mating behaviour and evolution. The positions will be part of a project aimed at understanding how variation is maintained in traits that confer
fitness. Specifically, I am interested in students who would like to pursue a research project in one of the following three areas:
1. Social interactions influencing condition, life-history, and sexually selected traits
2. Dietary influences on condition, life-history, and sexually selected traits
3. Quantitative genetics of condition, life-history, and sexually selected traits It is essential that students have high enough grades to obtain a teaching assistantship through Carleton University.
Students who come with their own funding are certainly most welcome - but this is not mandatory. Summer salary is provided. The positions may require travel into the United States for field-work. Assistantships can be at the Masters or the PhD level,
depending on the interests, abilities, and experience of the applicants. It may also be possible to transfer from the Masters program into the PhD program at a later date.
Interested persons should examine my web site at: (http://http-server.carleton. ca/~sbertram/ ). They should then contact me via email at Susan_Bertram@ carleton. ca to discuss their interests further.
I would like to see a statement of interest, a curriculum vitae, transcripts, and contact information for faculty willing to write letters of reference. For acceptance into the Masters or PhD program for September 2007, students should apply to the graduate program soon, and certainly by January 2007. Please don't apply to the graduate program without first contacting me!
Sincerely, Sue Bertram
Assistant Professor Department of Biology
Carleton University 1125
Colonel By Drive Ottawa
(613) 520-2600 x1585
Susan_Bertram@ carleton. ca
[sursa moldova_doc]