Nov 8, 2006

INTERNSHIP: Center for Economic and Policy Research

CEPR is currently looking for one full-time International Program Intern for Winter/Spring 2007. Responsibilities include assisting staff with research on upcoming papers and economic opinion pieces, as well as working on outreach to press, advocacy organizations and Congress. The responsibilities of interns vary based on their interests and experience, as well as the particular issues that CEPR
is working on at the time. Interns will have the opportunity to attend relevant events around Washington, DC.

We are looking for a current undergrad, recent college graduate, or graduate student for this full-time position. We are looking for applicants with a general understanding of economics, international relations, and democracy issues and an interest in economic justice. Previous research, data and/or outreach experience is helpful. The intern will need to be fluent in Spanish, able to work in a fast-paced
environment with limited management, and a self-starter and independent learner. Excellent writing and communications skills are helpful.

Closing date: November 20, 2006.
Website: http://www.cepr. net/index. php?optionfiltered= com_content& task=view& id=5&Itemid= 15

[sursa romstudyabroad]