PhD-Position in entrepreneurship research
Max Planck Instittute of Economics (Germany)
We are looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. student. The research will focus on the commercialization of science, specifically academic entrepreneurship and patenting behaviour of scientists. Experience in empirical analysis, theoretical modelling, and survey research is desirable. Candidates will support a new research project
"Commercialization of Science."
Candidates for the position should have a Diploma/Master' s degree or equivalent in economics or business. It is advantageous if candidates have experience in entrepreneurship or innovation research. The position is initially limited to two years with the option of a third year. Successful candidates are expected to start as soon as possible. We encourage people, regardless of nationality, to apply. Fluency in English is required.
Salary follows the guidelines of the German TVöD-Bund. It is a 50% position. For more information, contact Dr. Pamela Mueller (pmueller@econ. Information about MPI of Economics: www.econ.mpg. de. >BR> To be considered, please send your application, including CV, a short description of your research experience and motivation as well as contact details for two references to: Max-Planck Institute of Economics Department of Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Prof. Dr. David Audretsch Kahlaische Str. 10 07745 Jena
Deadline for Application: December 1, 2006
[sursa beasiswa]