PhD Studentship Molecular Virology
Department of Biological Sciences
A University of Warwick funded Studentship is available in the group of Professor David Evans to study the molecular biology of picornaviruses. The group is supported by the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust and the Studentship is available to UK, EU and overseas candidates. The studentship provides a stipend and fees, and must begin before 31 July 2007. The project will be in one of the following areas:
- Replication of poliovirus - the identification and analysis of cis-acting replication elements in the virus genome.
- Receptor-mediated cell signalling and cell infection by enteroviruses.
- The molecular determinants and consequences of recombination in the evolution of human enteroviruses.
Further information about research at Warwick is available on the Department's website (http://www2. uk/fac/sci/ bio/research/) and interested candidates are encouraged to contact Professor Evans directly (D.J.Evans@Warwick.
[sursa beasiswa]