Subject: 06.10.30 Post-doc positions, Comp. Chem., ICIQ, Tarragona, Catalonia
Several postdoctoral fellowships in the field of Applied Computational Chemistry are available at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) (http://www.iciq. es) in Tarragona.
Computational studies will be undertaken within the following general topics: QM and QM/MM studies on homogeneous catalysis, first-principles studies on heterogeneous catalysis, implementation and development of QM/MM methods, development of QSSR
models for high throughput ligand screening.
The applicants will work in one of the three Computational Groups at ICIQ:
- Dr Bo's:
http://www.iciq. es/english/ grups_eng/ bo/entrada. htm
- Dr Lopez':
http://www.iciq. es/english/ grups_eng/ lopez/entrada. htm
- Dr Maseras':
http://www.iciq. es/english/ grups_eng/ maseras/entrada. htm
The positions will be filled through one-year contracts, extendable to two years. The posts are immediately available as soon as travel arrangements can be made, and they should be filled by March 2007.
Tarragona is a beautiful city of 120,000 inhabitants on the Mediterranean coast of Catalonia about 100 kilometres south of Barcelona. Tarragona is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is close to modern tourist resorts.
Interested applicants should send their resume, a cover letter highlighting relevant experience, and the names and e-mail addresses of two referees to Ms Vendrell at computationalgroups
[sursa beasiswa]