Nov 7, 2006

Research assistantship, Department of Management, University of Bologna (Italy)

Research Assistant

Department of Management, University of Bologna (Italy)

The Department of Management seeks applicants for a Research Assistant to work in a research project on “The determinants and obstacles to high-tech entrepreneurship in European regions” funded by the University of Bologna (“Progetti Strategici di Ateneo”). The post is financed from January to December 2007 (12 months) and allows to work on a part-time basis on a Ph.D. thesis in topics strictly related to the research project.

Tasks: The successful candidate will contribute to data collection, elaboration, reporting, and presentation of research findings. The major task is to collect and elaborate data on competencies and performance of newly established firms in European regions from various sources. The project focuses on the factors that affect the birth and post-entry performance of science and technology-based start-ups (including university spin-offs), from the availability of complementary skills
(e.g., marketing and organizational skills) to the supply of financial capital and supporting institutions (e.g., legal services and management consulting). The methodological framework of the project draws on applied econometrics and qualitative case-studies.

Required education/skills: the candidate should have obtained a university degree in Economics, Management, Applied Industrial Organization or Statistics for Management and Economics with an excellent final mark. He/she should possess good analytical and quantitative skills, be familiar with statistical/ econometrics packages such as STATA, TSP or SAS and be fluent in spoken and written English. In addition, he/she should be interested in innovation and entrepreneurship- oriented research.

The application form and the list of documents required should be downloaded from the following address: SA/bando31ottobr e.htm.

By December 4th the list of applicants admitted to a face-to-face interview with senior researchers in charge of the project will be available at the Department front-desk (see the call for applications in Italian or contact Mr Pierpaolo Palmieri at the following e-mail address: pierpaolo.palmieri @

The interview will take place on December 10, 10.00 am at the Management Department.

A complete application should be sent to the Director of the Management Department - Direttore del Dipartimento c/o Segreteria Amministrativa del Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali, Via Capo di Lucca 34, 40126 Bologna.

Application has to be received by 30. November 2006.

[sursa beasiswa]