Jun 30, 2008

Phd: Study of the transcriptional regulation of the bric-à-brac2 gene by the Mediator complex during a morphogenetic process in Drosophila - France

The multiprotein Mediator complex (MED) is a key element of the general transcriptional machinery which acts as a dynamic interface between specific transcription factors (STFs) and the RNA polymerase II enzyme (RD Kornberg, TIBS, 2005). Through bioinformatics analyses we have shown that most MED subunits have been conserved from unicellular organisms to man (Boube et al, Cell, 2002; Bourbon et al, Mol Cell, 2005; Bourbon, Nucleic Acids Res, 2008).

We are studying MED function in vivo by using the Drosophila model. Genetic analyses have shown that the Med12 and Med13 subunits are specifically required for regionalized expression of the bric-à-brac2 gene (bab2), a developmental gene required for distal leg differentiation (Loncle et al, EMBO J, 2007). In collaboration with J.L. Couderc (Clermont-Ferrand, France), we have identified two regulatory DNA elements which (1) drive bab2 expression in larval tissues at the origin of adult legs, (2) require Med12-13 activity and (3) include potential binding sites for various STFs required for regionalized bab2 expression.

The project includes two parts: (1) Identification of STFs directly participating to the regulation of bab2 expression, through characterization of binding sites in vitro and in vivo. (2) Detailed analyses of functional links between bab2 regulatory STFs and the MED complex, particularly Med12-13. To this end, we will perform genetic epistasis tests between Med12-13 and each of the previously-identified STFs, as well as an analysis of physical interactions between MED and the same STFs, in vitro and in vivo (including chromatin immunoprecipitation assays from larval extracts prepared from wild-type or mutant animals).

This project will allow us to better understand how MED integrates combinatorial regulatory information from STFs to fine-tune transcription in vivo.

Funding Notes
3 years-funded PhD starting October 2008 in Toulouse, France

Funded by CNRS and Midi-Pyrénées

Salary : 1757 euros per month, including taxes

Candidates should have a master degree since less than 2 years

References from the team on the research subject:

(1) Boube, M., C. Faucher, L. Joulia, D. L. Cribbs and H.-M. Bourbon (2000). Drosophila homologs of transcriptional mediator complex subunits are required for adult cell and segment identity specification. Genes Dev 14: 2906-2917.

(2) Boube, M., L. Joulia, D.L. Cribbs and H.-M. Bourbon (2002). Evidence for a Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcriptional regulation conserved from yeast to man. Cell 110: 143-151.

(3) Bourbon, H.-M., et al. (2004). A unified nomenclature for protein subunits of mediator complexes linking transcriptional regulators to RNA polymerase II. Mol Cell 14, 553-7.

(4) Guglielmi, B., van Berken, N., Klapholz, B., Bijma, T., Boube, M., Boschiero, C., Bourbon, H.-M., Holstege, F.C.P., and Werner, M. (2004). A high resolution protein interaction map of the yeast Mediator complex. Nucleic Acids Res 32, 5379-91.

(5) Loncle, N., Boube, M., Joulia, L., Boschiero, C., Werner, M., Cribbs, D.L., and Bourbon, H.M. (2007). Distinct roles for Mediator Cdk8 module subunits in Drosophila development. EMBO J, 26, 1045-1054.

(6) Bourbon, H.M. (2008). Comparative genomics supports a deep evolutionary origin for the large, four-module transcriptional Mediator complex. Nucleic Acids Res, in the press.

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Phd position: Modelling reactive transport in highly heterogeneous media - France

Géosciences Rennes, University of Rennes

co-supervisors: T. Le Borgne, J-R De Dreuzy, P. Davy, O. Bour

The fate of contaminants in the subsurface is of major importance both for the management of groundwater and for the management of waste disposals. Even when the chemical reactivity has been well-identified, modelling and predicting it at site scale remains a challenging task. The reactivity obtained in well-mixed batch reactor cannot be extrapolated to field conditions where different mixing mechanisms prevail. The objective of the PhD project is to understand how the geological heterogeneity and its induced flow structures amplify mixing to mediate the chemical reactivity.

The PhD project will start on the basis of the important progresses done recently with the development of methods for quantifying the influence of the spatial organization of the flow field on the dispersion and mixing properties and reaction rates (Le Borgne et al., 2007. Dentz et al., 2008, De simoni et al., 2007).

The project will be based on numerical experiments and theoretical developments in close collaboration with partners at Barcelona, Milano and Israel. It will beneficiate from the recent development of a collaborative numerical platform for modelling flow and transport in geological media (see website http://hydrolab.irisa.fr/). This PhD project could lead to a new modelling methodologies for a better prediction of contamination fates in highly heterogeneous and fractured media. Application to field sites like those of the Research Observatory H+ and practical developments as well as close contacts with the geotechnical company ITASCA will be highly encouraged.

The PhD student will be based at the Géosciences Rennes group in Britanny, France. The successfull candidate will also have the opportunity to perform training periods at partners at Barcelona, Milan, Weizmann institute (Israel), Leeds, Edinburgh and geological survey of Norway.

Funding Notes
The thesis will be funded for three years under a Marie Curie training network IMVUL, which is aimed at training researchers in the major issues and processes relevant to groundwater vulnerability. We are seeking a student with a background in physics, earth sciences or engineering. More details are available on the following website: http://hplus.ore.fr/index.php?lang=en&id_article=98&

* De Simoni M., X. Sanchez-Vila, J. Carrera, M. W. Saaltink (2007), A mixing ratios-based formulation for multicomponent reactive transport, Water Resour. Res., 43, W07419, doi:10.1029/2006WR005256.
* Le Borgne T., J.-R. de Dreuzy, P. Davy, and O. Bour (2007), Characterization of the velocity field organization in heterogeneous media by conditional correlation, Water Resour. Res., 43, W02419, doi:10.1029/2006WR004875.
* M. Dentz, T. Le Borgne, J. Carrera. Effective transport in random shear flows. Physical Review E, 77, 020101 (R) (2008).

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Phd: Reliability and safety of medical device software systems - France

Doctoral School IAEM, Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1

Reliability and safety of medical device software systems

The aim of this project is to investigate the modelling of medical device software and systems using formal techniques and using proof assistants. Classical methods like tests have reached their limits and the development of medical device software and systems is a crucial issue, since the society should ensure safe advances in healthcare delivery. Any safety and regulatory requirements for medical devices necessarily call for rigorous software developments methods to ensure reliability and to protect the public health.

The Grand Challenge mentions a very interesting case study, namely the model of a pacemaker, and there are a lot of other systems which are now embedded in our body and require investigations on modelling them. Research directions will focus on the use of proof-based modelling techniques like RAISE, DC, Event B, .... and intends to study the questions of validation, certification, maintenance, usability and adaptability. The work will evaluate the impact of mathematical proofs in the modelling technique and the general approach will be based on domain engineering and on model-based approach; we will found our work on the triptych Domain, System, Requirement. The research will involve collaboration with therapists and surgeons.

Funding Notes
Salary rate (French Ministry of Education): ca. 19200 euros per year.

The PhD student should have an effective background in computer science. The language of work will be either french or english.

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship starting Autumn 2008 under the supervision of Pr Dominique Méry. This project is a collaboration between the MOSEL team and the University Hospital of Nancy.

Applicants should hold at least a MSc (or equivalent) in computer science or in computing science . Informal inquiries can be made to Dominique Mery (mery@loria.fr).

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Phd position: Atomistic simulation of the recrystallization of silicon : application to FinFETs - France

Si Microelectronics, Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies IEMN

Atomistic simulation of the recrystallization of silicon : application to FinFETs

The purpose of this work is to simulate at the atomic level the recrystallization of amorphous silicon in a real environment corresponding to a nanometric FinFET. Crystalline silicon is rendered amorphous during the dopant implantation to form the source and drain of the transistor. Amorphous silicon recrystallizes during the consecutive step of annealing.

The understanding and simulation of this recrystallization is required to control the depth and activation level of the junction in order to ensure optimal electrical characteristics of the device. This need for simulations is especially emphasized in the case of FinFETs because the standard methods of characterisation are not adapted to these nanodevices. The approach of simulation developed by our group for a stack of amorphous on crystalline layers[1] will have to be adapted to describe the effects of the crystalline orientation, of the low dimensionnality and of the stress due to the nitride around the fin. Collaboration with IMEC where FINFETS at state-of-the-art are fabricated and characterized, will be possible in the frame of the european project PullNANO.

[1] Krzeminski et al. in Journal of Applied Physics vol. 101, page 123506 (2007).

The work will be performed at the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (IEMN) in the team Silicon Microelectronics. The supervision will be made by two permanent researchers of the CNRS. The computationnal environment is formed of multi-processors calculators dedicated to this activity and administered by a staff of the CNRS.

The candidate should be interested by the science of materials and have validated modules on this topic. A taste for the simulation and the programming is essential.

Send a CV, the marks of the master 2 written part and a recommendation from the advisor of the master 2 placement to Evelyne LAMPIN (evelyne.lampin@isen.iemn.univ-lille1.fr)

Funding Notes
Public sector funding (Grant).
Candidate currently in year 2 of a french or european research master.

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PhD: A potential role of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta (PPAR beta) in cardiac growth and vascularization - France

Faculte de Medicine, INSERM

A potential role of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta (PPAR beta) in cardiac growth and vascularization – testing the therapeutic potential

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are ligand-activated transcription factors of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamiliy. Agonists for PPAR alpha (fibrates) and PPAR gamma (thiazolidinediones) are in clinical use as lipid lowering drugs and insulin sensitizers and have in addition some beneficial cardiovascular effects. More recently, PPAR beta agonists were suggested as being of potential therapeutic use for metabolic syndrome. We detected that short-term treatment of mice with a specific PPAR beta agonist stimulates cardiac myocyte growth and vascular proliferation.

The aim of the present study is the characterization of the time course of the stimulatory effects of PPAR beta agonists on cardiac growth and vasculogenesis, the identification of potential underlying molecular mechanisms, and finally, the determination of a potential therapeutic use of PPAR beta activators for the treatment of cardiac dysfunction induced by experimental myocardial infarction in mice.

Funding Notes
A master 2 or equivalent degree is required. Possible starting date until October 2008.

Wagner KD, Wagner N, Guo JK, Elger M, Dallman MJ, Bugeon L, Schedl A. An inducible mouse model for PAX2-dependent glomerular disease: insights into a complex pathogenesis. Curr Biol. 2006 Apr 18;16(8):793-800.
Wagner N, Wagner KD, Theres H, Englert C, Schedl A, Scholz H. Coronary vessel development requires activation of the TrkB neurotrophin receptor by the Wilms' tumor transcription factor Wt1. Genes Dev. 2005 Nov 1;19(21):2631-42.
Wagner N, Wagner KD, Hammes A, Kirschner KM, Vidal VP, Schedl A, Scholz H. A splice variant of the Wilms' tumour suppressor Wt1 is required for normal development of the olfactory system. Development. 2005 Mar;132(6):1327-36.
Wagner KD, Wagner N, Wellmann S, Schley G, Bondke A, Theres H, Scholz H. Oxygen-regulated expression of the Wilms' tumor suppressor Wt1 involves hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). FASEB J. 2003 Jul;17(10):1364-6.
Wagner KD, Wagner N, Bondke A, Nafz B, Flemming B, Theres H, Scholz H.
The Wilms' tumor suppressor Wt1 is expressed in the coronary vasculature after myocardial infarction.FASEB J. 2002 Jul;16(9):1117-9.

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Phd: Biophysical, cell biological and structural analysis of the protein interaction networks controlling intracellular vesicular transport, Australia

Biophysical, cell biological and structural analysis of the protein interaction networks controlling intracellular vesicular transport (Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australia)

PhD position in Molecular, Chemical and Structural biology is available in the group of Dr. Kirill Alexandrov. Our group is relocating from the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Physiology in Dortmund, Germany to the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) in Brisbane Australia in summer 2008. We are working in the broad area of eukaryotic biology with a focus on the intracellular vesicular transport and the role of prenylated proteins in this process. We are actively developing new technologies for protein research and production and apply them for understanding mechanics and thermodynamics of protein:protein and protein:ligand interactions.

The IMB was established several years ago to spearhead interdisciplinary research in organismal, cellular, chemical and structural biology. It is located in the newly built complex on the campus of The University of Queensland in Brisbane. The group will be linked to the research activities of the neighboring Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology which is focused on the developing cutting edge biotechnological processes. Both institutes are exceptionally well equipped and funded and provide the vibrant research environment with more then 50 research groups.

We are seeking a PhD candidate with the background in chemistry, biochemistry, cellular, molecular or structural biology. The position provides an outstanding training program in protein biochemistry, chemical, structural and molecular biology, in a generously funded, dynamic, and team-oriented research program.

Please apply by sending your CV and e-mail and telephone numbers of 3 references to: E-mail applications will be preferred

PLEASE PUT: “Application for Ph.D at the IMB ” into the subject line

Dr. Kirill Alexandrov
Labartory of molecular mechanisms of vesicular transport
Department of Physical Biochemistry
Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Physiology
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 11
44227 Dortmund

Phone +49-231-1332356
Fax +49-231-1331651

Funding Notes
approx. AUS$2000/months + health insurance

Rak A, Pylypenko O, Niculae A, Pyatkov K, Goody RS, Alexandrov K. Structure of the Rab7:REP-1 complex: insights into the mechanism of Rab prenylation and choroideremia disease. Cell. 2004 Jun 11;117(6):749-60.

Kushnir S, Gase K, Breitling R, Alexandrov K. Development of an inducible protein expression system based on the protozoan host Leishmania tarentolae. Protein Expr Purif. 2005 ;42(1):37-46.

Dursina B, Reents R, Delon C, Wu Y, Kulharia M, Thutewohl M, Veligodsky A, Kalinin A, Evstifeev V, Ciobanu D, Szedlacsek SE, Waldmann H, Goody RS, Alexandrov K. Identification and specificity profiling of protein prenyltransferase inhibitors using new fluorescent phosphoisoprenoids. J Am Chem Soc. 2006 128(9):2822-35.

Kushnir S, Marsac Y, Breitling R, Granovsky I, Brok-Volchanskaya V, Goody RS, Becker CF, Alexandrov K. Rapid production of functionalized recombinant proteins: marrying ligation independent cloning and in vitro protein ligation. Bioconjug Chem. 2006; 17(3):610-16

Pylypenko O, Rak A, Durek T, Kushnir S, Dursina BE, Thomae NH, Constantinescu AT, Brunsveld L, Watzke A, Waldmann H, Goody RS, Alexandrov K. Structure of doubly prenylated Ypt1:GDI complex and the mechanism of GDI-mediated Rab recycling. EMBO J. 2006 Jan 11;25(1):13-23.

Wu Y., Tan K-T, Waldmann H., Goody R.S. and Alexandrov K., Quantitative analysis of the interaction of prenylated Rab proteins with REP and GDI explains the requirement for both regulators in Rab function. PNAS 2007 Jul 24;104(30):12294-9.

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Phd position: Biofortification of crops - School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide, Australia

Calcium (Ca) deficiency is a significant problem in both the developing and developed work leading to conditions such as bone fragility, osteoporosis and rickets. Plants vary considerably in bioavailable Ca but could potentially be engineered to have improved nutritional value and bioavailable Ca content. Plants accumulate nutrients in excess of their immediate needs and store the extra in cell vacuoles. However, nutrient storage pools in different cell-types are compositionally distinct, for instance, phosphate and Ca appear to never co-localise within the vacuoles of the same cell.

At present, the mechanisms behind these patterns of nutrient distribution are not well understood, and their physiological significance is unclear. However, such specificity in ion compartmentation complicates conventional biofortification efforts leading to unpredictable results. Through a recent microarray study, from cells that differ in ion compartmentation profiles, we have identified a number of gene candidates that are likely to regulate calcium storage.

The project on offer will involve the misexpression of genes in specific tissues using a range of cell-specific promoters followed by a full physiological analysis of plant phenotypes. In addition, regulation of transporters will be analysed in vivo and in vitro. Arabidopsis, rice (and other cereals) will be the main models used. Results are likely to be fundamental to our understanding of how plants function, should lead to nutritional enhancement of crop plants, and consequently the fortification of animal and human diets, without adversely affecting crop plant physiology.

The appointee will be part of an integrated research team and will be supervised jointly by Professor Roger Leigh, Professor Steve Tyerman and Dr Matthew Gilliham. Work will also involve close collaboration with partners at the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics.

Funding Notes
Full scholarships are available to Australian or NZ permanent residents or citizens. A tax-free living allowance is also available for all other nationalities. Additional fee-paying and full scholarships are currently available. Applicants are encouraged to apply ASAP.

See http://www.agwine.adelaide.edu.au/plant/plant_phys/pcp/ for more details.

Karley AJ, Leigh RA and Sanders D (2000) TIPS 5, 465-470
Storey R and Leigh R A (2004) Plant Physiol, 136, 3838-3848
Jeong J and Guerinot ML (2008) PNAS, 105, 1777-1778

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Post Doctoral Research Associate - Historical Studies - University of Bristol, UK

Reference: 14115
Research Subject: Historical Studies
Salary: £28,000 - £35,000
Job Type: Fixed term contract
Job Hours: Full-time

Location: Bristol
Description: Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a three-year Research Fellow post, commencing 1 September 2008, to work on an ESRC-funded project, led by Dr Maurizio Marinelli in the Centre for East Asian Studies, on the history of colonialism in comparative perspective with a focus on the city of Tianjin (1860-1945).

You should have completed a PhD in an area of Chinese history or in a field bearing on the project (e.g. Chinese urban studies, Colonialism in Asia). An excellent knowledge of Chinese and English is essential.

To apply for this job please visit www.findingtheanswers.co.uk
and enter the job reference number in the search box.

You can find out about all the current research vacancies at the University
of Bristol at www.findingtheanswers.co.uk.

Status: Research Fellow
Location: Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
Advert Published: 30 Jun 2008
Expiry date: 27 Jul 2008

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Postdoctoral Research Assistant – Collagen nanofibres for cell biology and tissue engineering - University of Bristol, UK

Reference: 14116
Research Subject: Oral and Dental Science
Salary: £28,000 - £35,000
Job Type: Fixed term contract
Job Hours: Full-time

Location: Bristol
Description: Postdoctoral Research Assistant – Collagen nanofibres for cell biology and tissue engineering

Applications are invited to work on a MRC-funded one-year project on 3D collagen nanofibrous scaffolds for cell biology and tissue engineering. The work will be mainly carried out in the Biomaterials Engineering Group based in the Department of Oral and Dental Science. You will be involved in the development of 3D collagen nanofibrous scaffolds and hop to Professor Anthony Hollander’s Tissue Engineering Group based in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine to carry out the biological assessment of produced 3D biomimetic collagen matrices using human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs).

You should have a PhD in materials, chemistry, physics or biomedical engineering. Knowledge of electrospinning and tissue engineering will be advantageous.

This post is available from 1st August 2008 and will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of one year.

To apply for this job please visit www.findingtheanswers.co.uk and enter the job reference number in the search box.

You can find out about all the current research vacancies at the University of Bristol at www.findingtheanswers.co.uk.

Status: Research Assistant
Location: Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
Advert Published: 30 Jun 2008
Expiry date: 1 Aug 2008
University of Bristol Ref. No.: 14116

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Summer Courses in Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization-14th edition Brasov, July 13th-August 2nd

Learn Romanian in Romania!

The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes courses in Romanian language, culture and civilization in the 12th century citadel of Brasov. A multicultural environment, Brasov (Corona, Kronstradt, Brasso) was renown as a big medieval trade centre, but also as a cultural and academic fortress. Brasov is the place where the first sparkle of an anticommunist uprising appeared in 1987.

The Structure of the Programme
A. Intensive courses in Romanian language:
1. Beginners’ level - this level aims to ensure the achievement of basic writing and speaking skills; at the end of the programme students are expected to be able to understand and formulate short sentences relating to basic necessities and forms of politeness.
2. Intermediate level - the courses aims to upgrade the acquired knowledge with an emphasis on conversational skills, by means of creative activities.
3. Advanced level - the students will improve their speaking and writing skills, and will practice communication in complicated and complex situations

The courses in Romanian language are based on a flexible curriculum, adapted to the students’ needs, combining basic vocabulary and grammar lessons, group and individual activities that aim to develop fluency in communication and to consolidate grammar structures. The language course support includes textbooks, literary and historical texts, folklore, newspaper articles, audio-visual means. In order to improve the efficiency of the courses, the participants are enrolled in several study groups, based on an initial language test. Each study group is made of 10-12 students. The instructors are native Romanian speakers and universities graduates. The Romanian Cultural Institute selects experienced lecturers, according to their professional skills but also for their friendly attitude, enthusiasm and patience. The instructors come from the University of Brasov and the University of Bucharest.

Certificate of Attendance:
At the end of the programme students will undergo a test assessing their Romanian speaking and writing skills. As a result, they will obtain a qualification grade. All the students who have attended at least 90% of the daily classes will obtain a certificate of attendance.

B. Courses in Romanian culture and civilization: Lectures, given in English, cover local history, literature, Transyilvanian traditions, ethnography, cinema, politics, journalism and are recommended to all those who wish to deepen their knowledge about various aspects of Romanian culture and civilization. The talks are given by university professors and researchers from Bucharest and Brasov, professionals with a deep understanding of their fields of expertise.

C. Creative Workshops
1. Creative writing (for advanced students)
2. 19th century Ball dancing
3. Clay modeling
4. Retro-costumes (19th century)

Services and Facilities Location: The courses take place in the city of Brasov (300.000 inhabitants) , Official opening of the programme: July 13th, 2008.Closing ceremony - August 2nd, 2008. Classes will take place at the Faculty of Letters (M Building) of the University Transylvania Brasov. The workshops are to held at the Muresenilor Memorial House, Stefan Baciu Memorial House and the Brasov Opera.

Schedule: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - lessons in Romanian language (on 3 levels). A class lasts 50 minutes. The lectures in Romanian culture and civilization and the creative workshops will take place in the afternoon, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Cultural and Sightseeing Program:
- The students will be able to attend film screening twice a week, followed by debates with directors, producers and film critiques. The productions are signed by reknown Romanian film directors, awarded with prizes at the great European film festivals
- Thessaloniki (Greece), Paris (France), Cottbus (Germany), Trieste (Italy), Bratislava (Slovakia), Cluj (Romania), Cannes (France). - Documentation visits shall be organized during week-ends in the Old City of Brasov, the fortified Saxon castles Harman, Prjemer, Viscri, the Bran castle, the Rupea fortress, the Cezar Petrescu Memorial House in Busteni, the Peles Complex in Sinaia (Peles, Pelisor, Foisor), the George Enescu Memorial House in Sinaia, the Sinca Noua village (an event organized within the ICR program “The last folk rhapsodes”, a series of Romanian traditional music, meant to get the urban public acquainted with genuine folklore). These site visits benefit from the informed comments of young historians, sociologists, music critiques and art historians, specialized in researching the region, its history, traditions and the exceptional socio-cultural and ethnographic milieu maintained in this area of Romania. Moreover, contests on historical and anthropological issues in the Old Fortress and the fortified towers will be organized.
- The ball dancing (especially the Romana dance, en vogue with the Brasov families in the second half of the 19th century) will be co-ordinated by a choreographer from the Brasov Opera and will be exemplified by a couple of professional ballet dancers. Accommodation during the whole period (single or double rooms) will be made in 3 stars hotels located within a walkable distance from the Faculty of Letters and are valid until August 2nd, 12.00 pm.
Meals: breakfast included at each hotel location; lunch and dinner are served at the hotel’s restaurant. Registration of participants: Saturday, July 13th at the reception of the hotel.

Applications The minimum age for attendance is 18. The completed application form, accompanied by a curriculum vitae, a copy of the passport (the page with the personal data) and a copy confirming the payment of the participation fee are to be sent to the Romanian Cultural Institute.

Participation Fee: 960 EUROs (950 EUROs + 10 EUROs registration fee) The participation fee covers the following expenses: registration, tuition, workshops, trips, other additional activities included in the programme and meals. The costs for accommodation at the hotel (single or double rooms) will be covered by the Romanian Cultural Institute. The participation fee does not cover the international or internal transport, the entrance visa (if needed) or any other additional hotel services. Important! The participants are responsible to purchase their own international health insurances. The organizers will not cover the costs of hospitalization or other medical services

For applications/ additional information: THE ROMANIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE COURSES IN ROMANIAN LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION 38, Aleea Alexandru 011824, Sector 1 - Bucharest, Romania
-Programme Co-ordinator: Mona Moldoveanu E-mail: mona@icr.ro; Phone: (4) 0317 100 618, (4) 0317 100 621; Fax: (4) 0317 100 620 -Director of the Domestic Programs Department: Oana-Valentina Suciu E-mail: oana.suciu@icr. ro; Phone: (4) 0317 100 616, Fax: (4) 0317 100 606 -Program Assistants: Denisa Mirena Piscu: denisa.piscu@ icr.ro Sorin Cucerai: sorin.cucerai@ icr.ro

Please visit http://www.icr. ro/cursuri_ brasov.

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CFP: Exploding Genre

Call for Papers
Exploding Genre
Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture
Deadline: 20th December 2008

Genre has undergone radical transformations since the advent of a media society, in which popular texts are not so much literary but visual. Narrative studies of genre, such as John Cawelti's Six-Gun Mystique (1970) and Darko Suvin's Metamorphoses of Science-Fiction (1979), were quickly overturned by an increasing interest in cinematic, televisual, visual and digital textualities. Studies of different and interrelated media superceded the structuralist interest in narrative. Increasingly
generic identity was conceived of as modal, or adaptable between media, consumed and produced by differently situated groups of readers, cultures and audiences.

Genre became differentiated from within itself, no longer identical but constituted at the interface of various media and readers. It was assembled from other genres, a combination of overlapping, discontinuous tropes that played ironically with its own established forms. Postmodernism had broken with both the neo-classicism of the New
Criticism and with a historically minded structuralism to produce a new critical view of genre, one that fostered the emergence of hybrid and self-conscious fictions between media. Its readers were no longer seen as isolated but, in their engagement with multiple practices of interpretation, were recognized in distinct communities. Studies like Janice Radway's Reading the Romance: Women, Romance and Popular Fiction
(1991) and Henry Jenkins' Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (1992) explored new ways of looking at popular texts within their contexts.

It is with a view to addressing these changes that this issue of Reconstruction will investigate the function of genre in theory and fictions alike. Papers are sought that address the fragmented state of genre theory, spread as it is across studies of new and old media, fan and reading communities, narrative and visual theory. We are interested in the function of genre in different medias, such as comics and games.
Why has genre persisted in this age of multi-modal expressions? What makes it tick, travel across media, to return and coalesce in new and old forms of narrative, visuality and intertextuality?

We envisage papers covering a variety of theoretical / discursive positions, including:
- feminist theory
- queer theory
- postcolonial theory
- convergent/transfor mative media
- new cultural histories
- ludology

Please send completed essays, multimedial performances, etc. to Helen Merrick and Darren Jorgensen at exp.genre_at_ gmail.com by 20th December, 2008. We are happy to consider abstracts and proposals prior to this date. Publication is expected in the third quarter of 2009. Papers should be about 5,000 - 7,000 words and follow the Reconstruction guidelines for submission

Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture (ISSN: 1547-4348) is an innovative online cultural studies journal dedicated to fostering an intellectual community composed of scholars and their audience, granting them all the ability to share thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in contemporary interdisciplinary studies. Reconstruction publishes one open issue and three themed issues quarterly. Reconstruction is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography.

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CfP: The Historical Review / La Revue Historique

The Historical Review / La Revue Historique

Call for Papers

The Historical Review / La Revue Historique is an annual peer-reviewed journal dedicated to historical research in the human sciences. Now in the fourth year of publication, the journal has been established by the Institute of Historical Research (IHR) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) with the objective of fostering research and dialogue among scholars working in Greece and abroad.

In the interest of pluralism, The Historical Review / La Revue Historique accepts contributions in both English and French. Contributions must be original and should not be under consideration by any other publication at the time of their submission.
There is no standard length for articles but 8000 words (including notes and references) is a useful target. The article should begin with an abstract of 100-150 words. Details of the author's contact information should be included on a separate sheet. Submissions should be in electronic form and should be sent to the editor, Prof. Paschalis Kitromilides in the following address: historical_review@ eie.gr.

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts conform to
the style of journal. A guide of style, presentation and
transliteration can be found inside the back cover of past issues of
The Historical Review / La Revue Historique but can also be viewed on
the journal website

http://www.eie. gr/nhrf/institut es/inr/news/ historicalreview /instructions. pdf

Contents and abstracts of volumes I – IV may be found at the IHR/ NHRF

http://www.eie. gr/nhrf/institut es/inr/news/ historicalreview /historicalrev- en.html

Kind Regards
Marios Hatzopoulos

____________ _________ _________
Dr Marios Hatzopoulos
Institute for Neohellenic Research
National Hellenic Research Foundation
48, Vass. Constantinou Ave.
11635 Athens, Greece
Tel. +30210 7273559 Fax +30210 7246212
Email: mahatz@eie.gr

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Internship online TakingITGlobal (Community Connector)

TakingITGlobal - cea mai puternica organizatie non-guvernamentala internationala ce leaga tehnologia si activitatile de tineret, cauta un intern din Romania, pentru un internship online de 6 luni. Daca esti interesat de activitati de tineret in mediul online si de dobandirea de experienta in media online, precum si de lucrul intr-o comunitate extrem de energica, aceasta este pozitia ideala pentru tine! Internship-ul dureaza 6 luni (August 2008 - Februarie 2009), cu o durata de 5-8 ore de lucru pe

Pozitia de "Community Connector" este neplatita, insa iti ofera posibilitatea de a castiga experienta valoroasa de lucru intr-un ONG international, folosind uneltele Web 2.0 pentru a mobiliza tinerii si pentru a construi conexiuni cu grupuri si organizatii locale.

Poti afla mai multe detalii despre TakingITGlobal si despre aceasta pozitie, precum si despre procesul de aplicatie, aici:
http://projects. takingitglobal. org/communitycon nector/about/

Corina Murafa
Asociatia ORICUM Pentru Educatie
corina@oricum. ro
www.corinamurafa. eu

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Mai sunt doar 2 zile in care te poti inscrie la Scoala de Vara COGNO

Au inceput inscrierile la cea de-a doua editie a Scolii de Vara COGNOSIS cu tema
„Exploreaza PSIHOTERAPIA” Sibiu, 13-20 iulie 2008

Anul trecut, in cadrul primei editii a Scolii de Vara Cognosis, 100 de tineri s-au distrat in Capitala Culturala Europeana a anului 2007, in timp ce s-au redescoperit pe sine si au participat la o serie de workshopuri organizate de nume grele in psihologie. Te-am lasat dorind mai mult?

Anul acesta ne-am intors unde a inceput totul, in Sibiu, ca sa-ti aducem mai multe workshopuri, mai multa distractie, mai multe activitati, si alte surprize care or sa te faca sa nu mai vrei sa pleci la sfarsitul celor sapte zile.

Esti interesat de psihoterapie? Te-ar interesa o cariera in domeniu sau vrei pur si simplu sa-ti explorezi optiunile dar nu stii cum? Noi iti oferim o serie de workshopuri care sa te ajute sa alegi ceea ce ti se potriveste.

Vrei mai mult? Redescopera- te si gaseste-ti propriul potential, propriile scopuri si solutii in atingerea lor in workhopurile interactive la care poti participa in cadrul Scolii de Vara.

Vrei mai mult? Intra pe www.cognosis. ro pentru mai multe detalii sau acceseaza direct pentru a descarca formularul linkul http://www.cognosis .ro/docs/ Formular_ sdv_COGNOSIS. doc

SCOALA DE VARA COGNOSIS - Designed for psychotherapy, engineered to last!

Eveniment organizat de COGNOSIS - Federatia Studentilor la Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Andreea Chifu
coordonator dep PR Cognosis

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A Mouthful of Theatre - 3-9 August 2008, Timisoara, Romania

Hungry for theatre?

With us, you get “A
Mouth Full of Theatre”!

GLAS and CCS Timisoara are delighted to announce the second edition of “A Mouth Full of Theatre” Festival – workshops and improvisation. “A Mouth Full of Theatre” is an excellent opportunity for participants to improve their acting skills and their overall stage performances. Young people from E.U., acting in an amateur theatre group or having previous theatre experience, are invited to apply.

“A Mouth Full of Theatre” Festival is taking place in Timisoara between the 3rd and the 9th of August, having its main focus on two workshops: “Dance and Stage Movement in Acting”, and “Improvisation in Acting”. The purpose of the manifestation is creating an environment for the amateur actors from E.U. to be able to meet and work
together, in the spirit of multiculturalism, as Theatre is known to be the universal language, going far beyond all linguistic, cultural and social bounds.

The public is also invited to join the participants for a series of workshops in a special day of the event – Open Day. In addition, every evening of the festival will have its own moments dedicated to cultural interacting. We are glad to offer you various theatre performances, discussion workshops, projections, thematic parties, etc. All these in order to fill your mouth with theatre.

To apply, please fill in the form and send it to the e-mail address teatru_pe_paine@ yahoo.com before the 15th of July 2008. Selected participants will be officially announced until the 17th of July 2008 and will have to confirm their participation by e-mail. For further details, please visit http://teatrupepain e.thespis. ro.

“A Mouth Full of Theatre” is an event organized by GLAS (The Group For Free Social Assertion), supported and hosted by The Thespis Theatre and Casa de Cultura a Studentilor Timisoara. Partners: The “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, The French Cultural Centre, The German Cultural Centre, The Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, Creion Concept. Financiers: ANSIT, Timisoara City Hall and Local Council, Timis County Council.

Mihaela Ciutacu
mihaela_ciutacu@ yahoo.com

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Jun 29, 2008

CfP: Coming home? Conflict and return migration in twentieth-century Europe

Coming home? Conflict and return migration in twentieth-century Europe

An International conference hosted by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Southampton, and supported by the AHRC

1-3 April 2009

Call for papers

The question of return has long been thought to be central to an exilic discourse and yet relatively little is known about how return migration is actually experienced and subsequently remembered by exiles and also by migrants more widely. In order to mark the 70th anniversary of the 'official' end of the Spanish Civil War and the start of the Second World War, events which led to the mass displacement of refugees, this conference seeks contributions for papers on the broad theme of conflict and return migration in twentieth-century Europe. We welcome individual papers or panels in English that focus on any exile, refuge or migrant return episode
that has Europe as its point of arrival or departure. We are particularly interested in addressing the experiences, memories and conceptual issues of return in relation to the following questions:

What were the motivations for returning? How did institutions, political and social networks influence return? How was return organised?

What strategies did migrants adopt to deal with the impossibility of return?

How were migrants received, perceived and represented by the authorities and communities upon their return?

To what extent were attitudes and post-return daily practices (e.g. rituals,
cultural practices, language etc.) influenced by the experience of migration?

In what ways, if at all, did migrants re-construct questions of home and homeland upon their return?

How does return relate to the wider migratory process? To what extent does return signify the end of exile, diaspora, and the closure of the migration cycle?

How has return been remembered at an individual and group level?

Does this vary between different categories of migrants?

How has return been represented in literature, art and film?

What are the epistemological and ontological implications of these representations?

Does an adequate representation or performance of return exist?

Keynote speakers

Alicia Alted Vigil, Professor of History, UNED, Madrid
Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand, Historian and Director of the BDIC, Paris
Franziska Meyer, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of


Organised with The Exilio Network: Research into Refugees and other Migrations, which is supported by the AHRC, and Outcast Europe.

Submitting a proposal

A selection of papers will be considered for publication after the conference. Please send abstracts (250 words) before 1 September 2008 to:

Dr Alicia Pozo Gutiérrez
Email: apg@soton.ac. uk

Dr Scott Soo
Email: ssoo@soton.ac. uk

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CfA: Intercultural Turkish Language and Culture Pilot Project, 17-31

Intercultural Turkish Language and Culture Pilot Project
Istanbul, Turkey

Scholarship / Financial aid: Board, lodging and tuition are covered Date: 17-31 August 2008
Deadline: 30th June 2008
Open to: European candidates aged between 18 – 30

Announcement follows:


Intercultural competence and foreign language skills are seen as essential preconditions for youth mobility, for the development of international activities and for increased youth participation, one of the key priorities of the Council of Europe’s Directorate of Youth and Sport. The intercultural language courses combine language learning with intercultural learning through a non formal education methodology.

The aim of the programme is to promote intercultural dialogue with a special focus on human rights and youth policy development at European level by bringing together young people from different backgrounds and countries. Language learning with a strong intercultural dimension can contribute to an active, critical understanding of one’s own culture and of others people’s culture. And this programme allows participants to undertake multicultural exchanges and to develop this international understanding and co-operation.

The programme also encourages an interest in areas other than just language: history, politics, culture, geography, religion and everyday life in another country. ObjectivesThe strategic objectives of this course are to:- promote intercultural dialogue, international understanding and co-operation; - provide young people and youth workers with the opportunity to discover the diversity of youth actions in different countries;- encourage networking amongst European youth associations; - contribute to the diversity of languages spoken in international youth work.

The learning objectives are:to develop the knowledge and experience of participants: - on human rights education:• getting acquainted with human rights education and the Directorate of Youth and Sport’s approach to it;• exploring the links between intercultural learning, intercultural dialogue and human rights education;• raising awareness on the importance of human rights issues and human rights education in international youth activities;- on intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue:• raising awareness on the importance of intercultural learning for intercultural dialogue;• encouraging intercultural dialogue through language learning and contact making/networking with local NGOs and youth associations in the country of language learning;• making a link between participants’ experiences during the course and their youth work reality;• passing on and exchanging information on educational tools and theory;- on youth work:• gaining knowledge about the youth organisations represented by the participants;• getting to know European structures for youth work;• reflecting about the role of youth work;• getting to know the reality of youth work in the host country of the respective intercultural language course.Profile of candidates

Applicant s must:- be actively involved in youth work, in a youth organisation, network or authority, committed to taking on responsibilities at international level;- be aged between 18 – 30;- be well informed about their local organisation/ structure and, in relevant cases, the international/ national supporting organisation/ structure (participants should be able to present their organisations and activities to the other participants) ;- have an interest in the intercultural dimension of the course;- have a clearly defined need for developing intercultural language competences; - be willing to contribute to the development of the programme and to the group processes, and to take responsibility for their own learning;- agree to be involved in a follow-up activity of value to their organisation.

Enrolment: There are very few places for a high demand. Therefore, once selected to participate, the candidate must commit her/himself to attend for the whole duration of the course. If, for any reason, the candidate is unable to take up the offer of a place, s/he must immediately inform the Directorate of Youth and Sport Secretariat and the supporting organisation. This is also the case for applicants placed on the waiting list.

Travel expenses: Travel expenses must be covered by the participant or by her/his organisation. Board, lodging and tuitionBoard, lodging and tuition are covered by the Council of Europe and its partners in the host country. Participants must be aware that they will have to cover these costs themselves if they are absent from any part of the course without good reason, approved in advance by the course education team.

No pocket money for other activities will be given. Participants should find out about local costs (in addition to the practical information document about the details of the course, the programme and about Turkey which will be sent to the successful candidates once their participation is confirmed) and make sure they have enough pocket money for their own personal expenses and extra curricular activities


PhD Candidate
University of Athens
Faculty of Law, Political Science
and Public Administration
Department of Sociology

mobile phone: 0030-6978696257
www.exarchion. com

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CfP: Popular Culture and Socialism(s)

Call for proposals for contributions to an edited collection

Since the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 and the socialist regimes of Eastern Europe passed into history, at least two major developments have taken place in the realm of Cold War studies, and more broadly in our understanding of 20th century history. One was spurred by the opening archives in the former Eastern block, which greatly
increased the opportunities for international and comparative research on the Cold War, and gave rise to important reinterpretations of key historical events and
processes in this period. The other major development involves a growing acknowledgment of the role of culture in the clash between communism and capitalism. Its proponents argue that mainstream approaches have perceived the Cold War primarily, and often exclusively, as a military, political and economic conflict, and missed the importance of factors such as religion, sports, education, literature, film, radio, television and consumerism.

Over the past two decades, historians, sociologists, art critics, anthropologists and media scholars have contributed to a veritable outpouring of publications
exploring the complex relationships between political agendas, economic policies and cultural practices. Initially, most studies of Cold War culture have focused on the United States (e.g. Whitfield 1991, Wagnleitner 1994, Saunders 1999, Schwartz 2000), and to a smaller extent on Western Europe (e.g. Duggan and Wagstaff 1995, Nelson 1997, Scott-Smith and Krabbendam 2003). More recently, some scholars have began capitalizing on the increased accessibility of primary sources from former socialist states (e.g. Reid and Crowley 2000, Crewe 2003), and developed thought-provoking accounts of the cultural Cold War spanning both the West and the East (e.g. Buck-Morss 2000, Poiger 2000, Caute 2003, Mitter and Major 2004).

This growing body of work has not only broadened the geographical scope of the debate about the cultural Cold War, but also raised a number of wider conceptual and
methodological issues. To start with, it questioned the value of understanding the socialist period as a ‘deviation’ from the supposedly normal course of historical development, as well as challenged the usefulness of treating the Cold War as a distinct historical period. Instead, it highlighted the continuities between post-1945 cultural histories and long-term historical trends, including the rise of
modernity, popular sovereignty and mass production. Furthermore, this body of literature also highlighted some of the structural similarities between the developments in the East and the West, and thereby questioned the rigid and often highly value-laden East-West distinction. Last but not least, this literature also opened the venue for a more nuanced understanding of post-socialist transformation, and for a critical engagement with the ‘transitological’ accounts of the collapse of socialist regimes. It is becoming increasingly clear that the processes of transformation in post-socialist Eastern Europe are far from uniform, and instead differ depending on the particularities of both pre- and post-World War II trajectories of individual countries (Pickels and Smith 1998, Stark and Bruszt 1998). Depending on these trajectories, the post-socialist societies are equipped
with specific forms of economic, social as well as cultural capital which all influence their reaction to, or appropriation of, the liberal capitalist modus operandi (Blokker 2005).

The proposed edited collection seeks to further the debate on these issues by focussing on the history of popular culture in socialist Eastern Europe, as well as its legacies in the post-socialist period. We would welcome contributions addressing one or more of the following issues:

1. POLITICS, IDEOLOGY AND POPULAR CULTURE: What were the key ideological attitudes of the political establishment and the socialist intelligentsia towards ‘popular’ or
‘mass’ culture? How have they changed over time, and how did they differ from country to country? To what extent did these attitudes differ from those held by the
political and cultural elites in the West? How have they shaped the cultural and media policies in socialist countries?

2. POPULAR CULTURE AND LEGITIMACY: To what extent did the socialist regimes accommodate the increasing demand for popular culture and consumer products among the population, and to what extent can this be seen as a (successful) attempt at addressing the lack of popular legitimacy? Or, in other words: were popular culture and consumerism always inherently subversive, or were they also used as a tool of internal legitimation and consolidation of socialist regimes?

3. NEGOTIATION, APPROPRIATION, AND RESISTANCE: How did either the producers or the consumers of popular culture adapt to the limits imposed by socialist cultural
policies? How ‘popular’ were the popular culture products sanctioned and promoted by the socialist regimes? What practices of adaptation, negotiation or resistance can be discerned (e.g. cynicism/kynism, irony, dialogic farce etc.), and how influential were they in undermining the of legitimacy socialist regimes?

4. CROSS-BORDER EXCHANGE: What were the major routes of cross-border exchange of popular culture, both among the socialist states themselves and across the Cold War divide (e.g. transnational film and music distribution, co-operation between national broadcasting organizations, adaptation of foreign genres, formats and practices of cultural production etc.)? How did these exchanges contribute to the diversity and similarity of cultural production across different socialist states as well as across the Cold War divide?

5. WESTERN THEORIES AND SOCIALIST POPULAR CULTURE: How useful are the concepts and theories of popular culture developed in the West – particularly those coming from the field of cultural studies – in understanding socialist popular culture? What alternative theories and concepts can we think of that can better elucidate the role of popular culture in socialist states?

6. SOCIALIST POPULAR CULTURE, HISTORICAL CONTINUITIES, AND POSTSOCIALIST DEVELOPMENTS: To what extent were the different attitudes and responses to popular culture in socialist Eastern Europe rooted in pre-World War II cultural preferences and practices? What is the legacy of socialist popular culture today, and how does it figure in various nostalgic recollections of the period (Ostalgie, Yugonostalgia etc.)? To what extent did the post-communist societies inherit the ‘structures of feeling’ (Williams 1961) established through the socialist popular culture?

Ideally, we would like all contributions to be both empirically grounded and theoretically informed. Please send your proposals (800-1000 words) with a brief
Curriculum Vitae (1 x A4) to Reana Senjkovic (reana@ief.hr) and Sabina Mihelj (S.Mihelj@lboro. ac.uk) by October 31, 2008. We will inform you about our decision by December 15, and if your proposal is accepted, we will expect a first draft by the end of May 2009, and a final manuscript by the end of September 2009.

We are currently in the process of securing funding for a small workshop that will allow us to discuss the first drafts and the possible ways of weaving them together into a coherent book. The workshop will be organized in Budapest, Hungary, in June 2009. Further details will follow after the submission of abstracts.

REANA SENJKOVIC, Institut of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Subiceva 42, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Website: http://www.ief. hr/page.php? id=285&lang= en

SABINA MIHELJ, Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, UK
Website: http://www.lboro. ac.uk/department s/ss/staff/ mihelj.html

Blokker, Paul. 2005. "Post-Communist Modernization, Transition Studies, and Diversity in Europe", European Journal of Social Theory 8(4): 503-525.

Buck Morss, Susan. 2000. Dreamworld and Catastrophe. the Passing of Mass Utopia in the East and West. Cambridge and London: MIT Press.

Burawoy, Michel and Katherine Verdery (eds). 1999. Uncertain Transition. Ethnographies of Change in the Postsocialist World, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield.

Caute, David. 2003. The Dancer Defects: The Struggle for Cultural Supremacy during the Cold War. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

Crewe, David (ed.). 2003. Consuming Germany in the Cold War, Oxford: Berg.

Duggan, Christopher and Christopher Wagstaff (eds.). 1995. Italy in the Cold War: Politics, Culture and Society, 1948-58. Oxford: Berg.

Mitter, Rana and Patrick Major (eds.). 2004. Across the Blocs: Cold War Cultural and Social History. London: Frank Cass.

Nelson, Michael. 1997. War of the Black Heavens: The Battles of Western Broadcasting in the Cold War. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

Pickles, John and Adrian Smith. 1998. Theorising Transition: The political Economy of Post-Communist Transformations. London: Routledge.

Poiger, Uta G.. 2000. Jazz, Rock, and Rebels: Cold War Politics and American Culture in a Divided Germany. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California

Reid, Susan E. and David Crowley (eds.). 2000. Style and Socialism: Modernity and Material Culture in Post-War Eastern Europe. Oxford and New York: Berg.

Saunders, Frances Stonor. 1999. Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War. London: Granta.

Schwartz, Rixhard A.. 2000. Cold War Culture: Media dn the Arts, 1945-1990. New York: Checkmark Books.

Scott-Smith, Giles and Hans Krabbendam (eds.). 2003. The Cultural Cold War in Western Europe, 1945–1960. London: Frank Cass.

Stark, David and Laszlo Bruszt. 1998. Postsocialist Pathways: Transforming Politics and Property in East Central Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wagnleitner, Reinhold. 1994. Coca-Colonization and the Cold War: The Cultural Mission of the United States in Austria after the Second World War. London: University of North Carolina Press.

Whitfield, Stephen J.. 1991. The Culture of the Cold War. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Williams Raymond. 1961. The Long Revolution ("Analysis of Culture"), London: Chatto & Windus.


Dr. Sabina Mihelj
Lecturer in Media, Communication and Culture
Department of Social Sciences
Loughborough University
LE 11 3TU Loughborough
http://www.lboro. ac.uk/department s/ss/staff/ mihelj.html

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Event: International Theatre Festival, Belgrade, 7-8.7.2008


international theatre festival
First part: Belgrade, July 7th and 8th, 2008

Theaterlabor Im TOR 6 - Bielefeld/Germay, July 2008
Plavo pozori¹te - Belgrade/Serbia, July 2008
Specchi e memorie - Milan/Italy, autumn 2008
Zar Theatre - Wroclaw/Poland, autumn 2008

First part of the festival is supported by
German Embassy in Belgrade,
Cultural Centre "Vuk Karad¾iæ" and
Belgrade Dance Centre.

Theaterlabor Im TOR 6 - Bielefeld/Germany
Cacophonic symphony of plots, texts and music

Monday, July 7th, 21h,
Cultural Centre Vuk Karadzic,Kult Theatre,
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 77A, Belgrade

Directing: Siegmar Schröder
Actors: Thomas Behrend, Michael Grunert,

Indira Heidemann, Karin Wedeking

Four rather haggard actors have been playing Ionesco's 'The Bald Soprano' for 25 years. They are no longer able to escape from this absurd play, which is not really a play at all, but an anti-play. Caught up in this non-theatre, they have missed their careers as actors and have never begun lives as normal people. They survive in the phrases of the protagonists. Not being authentic in any way, they seem very familiar to us.

It is a cacophonous symphony of plots, texts and music, without coherence, without the least meaning.

In fact, there are too many meanings for our liking.

We are overwhelmed by every deed that the actor-creatures administer on stage - every word hits the mark - a pantomimic massacre of words.

Four actors, a mysterious sound machine and a well hidden video camera are the ingredients of this critical mix composed by Theaterlabor in this, its 25th year.

Since 1983 Theaterlabor exists in its current form. In these 24 years the good cooperation of artistic direction and the strong ensemble has created a powerful and artistic community which keeps experimental theatre alive and which has developed a unique theatre-language. Beside performance "Absurdesque" , recent Theaterlabor' s performances are "Double" (2006), cooperation with Ismael Ivo and "Winterreise" (2007), a musical performance realised in cooperation with Yoshi Oida. Theaterlabor is also well known for its impressive out door spectacles and big historical performances, organisation of international theatre festival 360° in its own space and pedagogy work.

www.theaterlabor. de

Plavo pozori¹te
The Wizard or Harmonic Cacophony
Demonstration of a theatre language

Thuesday, July 8th, 21h,
Cultural centre Vuk Karadzic,Kult Theatre,
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 77A, Belgrade

Scenario and directing: Nenad Èoliæ

Actors: Ma¹a Jeliæ, Ranko Trifkoviæ, Jelena Martinoviæ, Marko Potkonjak, Dejan Stojkoviæ

Set and costume: Ivana Èoliæ

Pr manager: Dubravka Vujinoviæ

"The Wizard or Harmonic Cacophony", it is an attempt of transforming time into space with the help of sound. It is an attempt of creating of sound synthesis in the consciousness of actors on the stage, synthesis between vocal activity which produces sound(text, song), musical tone which produces sound, their gradation through time and intention of each performer individually for some kind of musical, sound result. It is an attempt of composing of theatre, an attempt to make scenic, theatre elements in function of orchestration of cacophony and to make spectator's perception moved from rational into out-of-time, spatial sphere.

The performance is based on a famous fairy tale written by L. Frank Baum, "The wizard of Oz", and texts of F. M. Dostoevsky, Virginia Woolf, Hermann Hesse, Oscar Wilde and Marina Cvetaeva. Actors' materials and music materials from different performances of Plavo pozoriste between 1995 and 2006 have been used in this performance.

Nenad Èoliæ

www.plavopozoriste. com

Please confirm your coming by e-mail or by pohone 064 190 30 64.

Note: Festival MEETINGS will be realised throughout 2008. Coming of theatre Specchi e memorie and performing of their latest performance "Relative Absolute" as well as realisation of the workshop led by Zar Theatre actors which will deal with using of voice in theatre through forms of polyphonic singning will be realised in autumn 2008.

Plavo pozori¹te
Senjaèka 3, 11000 Beograd

Tel: +381 11 2652 085, +381 64 190 30 64

E-mail: plavopozoriste@ hotmail.com

www.plavopozoriste. com

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Workshop: Comunica cu succes prin Inteligenta Emotionala, 5-6 iulie

Succesul si fericirea depind de capacitatea noastra de a stabili simentine relatii cu ceilalti. Cu toate acestea, unii au dificultati instabilirea de noi relatii, in vreme ce majoritatea ne impiedicam pedrum si lasam conflictele sau neintelegerile sa ne erodeze relatia cuceilalti. Seminarul „Comunica cu impact prin Inteligenta Emotionala" din seria Smart Emotions, organizat de Competent Consulting pe 5 si 6 iulie 2008, dezvolta abilitatile de Inteligenta Emotionala care ne permit construirea de relatii excelente si repararea celor aflate in suferinta.

Relatiile interumane reprezinta spatiul in care Inteligenta Emotionala isi dovedeste cel mai rapid si consistent valoarea. Inteligenta Emotionalareprezint a capacitatea de a detecta, intelege si utiliza emotiile, atatcele proprii, cat si ale altor persoane, pentru luarea celor mai bunedecizii si punerea lor in practica. Un nivel ridicat al Inteligentei Emotionaleeste intotdeauna asociat cu existenta unor relatii trainice cuceilalti, pe care putem conta atunci cand ne confruntam cu problemecare implica cooperarea acestora (dragoste, familie, lucrul in echipaetc.).

Inteligenta Emotionala ca baza a comunicarii verbale si non-verbale sustine:

* stabilirea usoara de noi relatii cu persoanele de care ne simtim atrasi sau de care depinde solutionarea unor nevoi,

* stabilizarea relatiilor existente si transformarea lor intr-o sursa de satisfactii continue,

* intelegerea corecta a motivatiilor celorlalti si utilizarea lor pentrua le influenta starea emotionala (cheful) si disponibilitatea,

* utilizarea eficienta a propriilor emotii in favoarea, nu in detrimentul, obiectivelor pe care le avem,

* cresterea semnificativa a impactului comunicarii si a disponibilitatii celor din jur fata de solicitarile noastre.

Beneficiile participarii la seminar

Capacitatea de a stabili relatii noiva permite largirea numarului de cunostinte si prieteni, crearea aceleiretele de relatii care va permite sa rezolvati orice roblema cu minimde efort si stres. In acest scop, accentul va fi pus pe dezvoltarea comunica rii non-verbale, ce este mult mai rapida si eficienta decat ceaverbala, mai ales in aceasta faza de tatonare si cunoastere reciproca.in felul acesta, va creste capacitatea de a atrage atentia asupra dvs.si a starni interesul celorlalti. Va optimizati contactul vizual,mimica, tonul vocii, postura corporala, gesturile, intensitateaatinger ii in strangerea de mana, momentul interactiunii, ritmulvorbirii, sunetele care sustin stabilirea contactului, pe bazafeedbakului video. In felul acesta eliminati frica, retinerea, jena,confuzia sau stangaciile care poate ca v-au privat de o multime decontacte interesante.

Stilul de comunicareafecteaza cantitatea si calitatea informatiilor care sunt receptionatede ceilalti. Daca doriti sa aveti impact, sa puteti cu adevaratinfluenta gandurile si actiunile celor din jur, este esential sa existepermanent armonie intre gandurile, emotiile si gesturile dvs. in cadrulseminarului va eliberati de vechile blocaje care va fac sa ezitati, sanu puteti convinge, sa-i lasati pe celialti sa vorbeasca in locul dvs.

Stilul de gestionare a conflictelorva afecteaza semnificativ sansele de a va putea impune intereseleatunci cand acestea contravin intereselor altor persoane. Modul in carereactionati fata de inevitabilele diferente de opinii si interese dinviata perosnala si profesionala poate crea ostilitate si rupturidefinitive, ori poate recladi increderea si siguranta. in acest sens,veti invata cum sa va eliberati de sub
controlul emotiilor, sacomunicati nonverbal in conditii de stres si sa reduceti tensiunea cucalm si umor.

Dezvoltarea celor trei abilitati in cadrul seminarului "Comunica cu impact prin inteligenta emotionala" va permite:

* sa aveti alta perspectiva asupra relatiilor dvs. cu ceilalti,

* sa faceti trecerea de la un stil de relationare distructiv la unul constructiv,

* sa va dezvoltati capacitatea de pastrare a calmului si concentrarii, in orice situatie,

* sa aveti mult mai multe satisfactii din relatiile cu ceilalti, in plan personal sau profesionala,

* sa folositi divergentele drept o sursa de sporire a increderii si sigurantei reciproce.

Unicitatea Smart Emotions
Mergand mult dincolo de banalitatile si simplificarile prezentate de obicei incartile si trainingurile de comunicare interpersonala, workshopurile Smart Emotions organizate de Competent Consulting prezinta un sistem simplu si eficient de dezvoltare a comunicarii pline de impact, verbale si non-verbale. Smart Emotions este primul program de dezvoltare personala bazat pe tehnici de Inteligenta Emotionala.Acestea asigura o integrare si armonizare excelenta a emotiilor inluarea si punerea in aplicare a deciziilor. Se desfasoara interactiv,accentul fiind pus pe exercitii si pe dezvoltarea de abilitati.Prezentat de Daniel Bichis, singurul roman certificat international in masurarea si dezvoltarea nivelului de Inteligenta Emotionala,programu l este deosebit de apreciat de participanti din cauzacantitatii foarte de mari de informatii utile si a atmosferei relaxate,placute in care se desfasoara. In ciuda numarului mare de doritori, numarul de locuri este limitat la
16, pentru a se asigura distribuirea adecvata a atentiei trainerului spre toti participatii.

Organizare Smart Emotions
Workshop-ul Smart Emotions: "Comunica cu impact prin Inteligenta Emotionala"se desfasoara in Bucuresti la U Business Center, B-dul Iancu de Hunedoara nr. 8 (cladirea Citibank, langa Piata Victoriei) in perioada 5 - 6 iulie 2008.

Mai multe detalii:

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Open PhD positions at University of Pavia, Italy

University of Pavia, Italy

Bandi Dottorati di Ricerca 2008-2009

Dal 20 giugno 2008 è possibile presentare domanda di ammissione alle selezioni per il XXIV ciclo dei dottorati di ricerca (a.a. 2008/2009) dell'Università di Pavia. Le domande vanno compilate esclusivamente on-line, direttamente sul sito dell'Ufficio Borse e Dottorati.

Al termine della compilazione on-line il candidato dovrà stampare la domanda, sottoscriverla e trasmetterla (corredata dei relativi titoli, ove previsti) entro il 21 Luglio 2008.

Sarà disponibile un'apposita procedura in lingua inglese per agevolare la partecipazione anche degli studenti stranieri interessati ai dottorati attivati presso l'Università di Pavia.

http://www.unipv. eu/on-line/ Home/AreaStampa/ articolo1659. html
https://enola- gay.unipv. it/IOLDOTTENG

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137 PhD positions at University of Siena, Italy


The University of Siena has set up a number of Doctoral Schools for the academic year 2008/2009.

Admission requirements for each school are specified in the relevant regulations for participation.

General information is given below.
http://dottorati. unisi.it/ bandi/bandi24. asp

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PhD positions at University of Rome-La Sapienza, Italy

Universita di Roma 1 - La Sapienza, Italy

Corsi di dottorato di ricerca - XXIV ciclo
Pubblicato il bando per i concorsi per esami per l'ammissione ai corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca per il XXIV ciclo.

bando [188KB]
http://www.uniroma1 .it/documenti/ studenti/ laureati/ dottorati/ bandoXXIV

Istruzioni [75KB]
http://www.uniroma1 .it/documenti/ studenti/ laureati/ dottorati/ serviziWE

Instructions [25KB]
http://www.uniroma1 .it/documenti/ studenti/ laureati/ dottorati/ serviziWE

Only foreigner students residents abroad shall not have to pay
application fee and shall submit their request using this application
https://par17. phys.uniroma1. it/dottorato/ ext/phdcourses/ form.php
The deadline for application is July the 28th 2008

http://www.uniroma1 .it/studenti/ laureati/ dottorati

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

CfP: Gated and Guarded Housing in Eastern Europe, Leipzig, 5-6.12.2008

Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography Workshop on Gated and Guarded Housing in Eastern Europe
Leipzig, December 5-6, 2008

Considering the variety of issues that can be discussed with regard to gated and guarded housing in Eastern Europe, the organizers would like to suggest a range of questions that this workshop wants to address: What are the specific driving forces of gated and guarded housing in Eastern Europe? Which historic patterns of housing and security during socialism may be regarded as predecessors for this development? How does the term-gated community apply to the gated and guarded housing complexes in post-socialist urban areas? Who is living behind the gates and why? What are the motives and strategies of developers to build such complexes? Is gated and guarded
housing a symbol for a new form of urban governance in post-socialist cities? How are Social Science News July 2008 gated and guarded housing complexes perceived by the public? What kind of discourses can be found? How can gated and guarded housing complexes in Eastern Europe be methodologically and conceptually understood?

One aim of organising this workshop is to create a platform that should help to exchange ideas, approaches and results on gated and guarded housing in Eastern Europe. Furthermore, this workshop attempts to be a starting point for a research network on gated and guarded housing and privatisation of residential developments in Eastern Europe.

Deadline: August 31, 2008
Contact: Christian Smigiel
Tel.: +49 341 255-6564
E-mail: c_smigiel@ifl- leipzig.de
http://www.ifl- leipzig.de/ 234.0.html? &tx_ttnews% 5btt_news% 5d=170&tx_ ttnews%5
bbackPid%5d= 1&cHash=a47172f3 15

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CfA: Openforum 4 - Mobility as a Form of Integration, Pozarevac

*Openforum 4 (Po**ž**arevac) *

*Mobility as a Form of Integration*


The aim of this OpenForum is to discuss and to identify the potential benefits of migration. How does migration affect the personal life of people? How does it influence their communities both at their place of origin (home community) and their place of being (host community) regarding social, economic and political developments and culture?

The European approach to market integration tends to depoliticize labour mobility as just one out of four aspects of the Common Market, expressed in the freedoms of movement of capital, goods, services and people. In this perspective problems arising from labour mobility are a matter of personal risk management. The embeddedness in a larger social conflict is denied. This may contribute to a persistent or even increasing economic and cultural peripherization of comparatively underdeveloped European regions. Netted in an increasing number of double citizenships and plural loyalities migrating individuals are faced with the false alternatives of nationalism and depoliticization. Questions of political recognition of migrants and plurifold forms of European solidarity need to be put on the agenda.

This OpenForum is part of the Art Intervention project „The return of the Gastarbajters" implemented in the Eastern Serbian town of Požarevac. Adapted from German language, "Gastarbajter" has been a well-known term for working migrants seen as a temporal supplement for the national workforce. As they tend to transform into permanent residents with special relations to their countries of origin, Art Intervention invites artists and anthropologists to explore how long-term processes of intra-European migration impinge on the local community.

All people present – both participants to the complete Art Intervention or attending only the two-day OpenForum workshop – will be asked to answer the following five questions in advance which will be later discussed at the OpenForum:

1. What can individuals „learn" by moving around?

2. What are the advantages of living as as "foreigner"?

3. What are the benefits of Gastarbajters for both home and host communities?

4. Do Gastarbajter communities present certain internationally comparable characterics?

5. How can we in Europe make better use of mobility?

Local residents in Požarevac will also be asked to answer these questions. All the answers collected will be used by the moderating team to structure the debate.

*OpenForum 4 (Po**ž**arevac) *

*Mobility as a Form of Integration*


*Friday, July 25, 2008 – From the Gastarbajters*

18:00 The situation of guest workers in Europe Neda Maletić, State secretary of The Serbian Ministry of Diaspora

20:00 Dinner

*Saturday, July 26, 2008 – Benefits of Migration*

10:00 City Tour

12:00 Session 1

„What can individuals „learn" by moving around?"

14:00 Lunch

15:30 Session 2

„What are the advantages of living as as "foreigner"?

„What are the benefits of Gastarbajters for both home and host communities? "

19:00 Students articles

Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Belgrade University

20:30 Dinner

*Sunday, July 27, 2008 - Mobility as a Two Way Road*

10:00 Session 3

Can inter-natational characterics be found in Gastarbajter communities?

How can we in Europe make better use of mobility?

14:00 Lunch and end of the OpenForum

Noa Treister
Council Member
Citizens of Europe
Mobile: + 381 64 316 2558

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Internship for Services Students - Malaysia

Dennex IT Solutions eagerly enhancing the future of IT with its efforts and reinforcements. We are aware that IT plays a vital role in the development of an organization so Dennex strives to provide high quality services to develop superior value skills in order to enhance our participants’ knowledge generation and quality of life, while providing national economic growth

Internship for Services Students
(Selangor - Cyberjaya)


Candidate must possess or currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree, Master's Degree or Doctorate (PhD) in Library Management, Journalism or equivalent.
Required skill(s): • XML knowledge.
Required language(s): Chinese, English
Applicants must be willing to work in Cyberjaya.
Applicants should be Malaysian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
5 Internship duration of 6 month(s).

Interested candidates are invited to email us at info@dennexitsolutions.com with a complete resume with passport size photograph.

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Jun 27, 2008

CfA: Newton International Fellowships Launched

£13M Newton International Fellowships Launched

A new multi-million pound initiative to fund research collaborations and improve links between UK and overseas researchers was launched by the Science Minister Ian Pearson on 4 June.

The Newton International Fellowships will be overseen by the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society and aim to attract the most promising post-doctoral researchers working overseas in the fields of humanities, engineering, natural and social sciences.

The Fellowships will offer researchers funding to work for two years with a UK research institution, thus establishing long term international collaborations. The funding will be distributed in the form of 50 research fellowships, awarded annually, each providing support of up to £100,000 for a two year placement.

Robin Jackson, the British Academy's Chief Executive and Secretary said: "The Academy has for many years supported international collaboration and academic exchange across the humanities and social sciences. The Newton International Fellowships will introduce a new dimension, enabling us to offer highly attractive awards to the best overseas postdoctoral researchers, which will strengthen international scholarly links."

More details will be available from the Newton International Fellowships website: http://www.newtonfe llowships. org/

The closing date for the first round is 4th August 2008. There will be a second round in autumn 2008. There will then be an annual round from spring 2010. Deadlines to be confirmed.

Newton International Fellowships
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AG

tel: +44 (0)20 7451 2598
fax: +44 (0)20 7451 2543
info@newtonfellowsh ips.org

The British Academy
10 Carlton House
London SW1Y 5AH
Tel: 020 7969 5200
Fax: 020 7969 5300
Web: www.britac.ac. uk

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CFP: Alternative Expressions of the Numinous

The Esoteric Studies Research and Teaching Group

in conjunction with the

School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at the University of Queensland

presents the


DATE: Friday 15 – Sunday 17 August 2008

VENUE: School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus, Brisbane, Australia


Dr Helen Farley
Julie Washington, and
Håkan Sandgren


http://tinyurl. com/4qwwb3


DOUG EZZY – 'Religion as the Etiquette of Relationships'

Douglas Ezzy's research is driven by a fascination with how people make meaningful and dignified lives. His most recent research is an international study of teenage Witchcraft with Helen Berger (West Chester University). It examines the interconnections of teenage spirituality, the mass media, and nature religion. He is particularly interested to supervise sociology postgraduates studying contemporary
spirituality. He has published six books: Teenage Witches (with Helen Berger), Researching Paganisms (with Graham Harvey and Jenny Blain), Qualitative Research Methods (with Pranee Rice), Qualitative Analysis, Narrating Unemployment and Practising the Witch's Craft, along with numerous articles.

NEVILL DRURY – 'Black Magic, White Magic and the Cosmology of Rosaleen Norton'

Nevill Drury has recently submitted his PhD dissertation on 'Rosaleen Norton's Contribution to the Western Esoteric Tradition' to the University of Newcastle. His most recent publications include The New Age: the History of a Movement (Thames & Hudson, London and New York 2004), Magic and Witchcraft: from Shamanism to the Technopagans (Thames & Hudson, London and New York 2003) and The History of Magic in the Modern Age (Constable, London 2000). He also co-authored Fire and Shadow: Spirituality in Contemporary Australian Art (HarperCollins, Melbourne 1999).


Abstracts (250 words) are invited for, but not limited to, the following strands:

Alternative expressions of major religions
Religions of re-enchantment
Popular culture religions
Indigenous religions
Paganism and Neo-Paganism
New Religious Movements
Personalised religion
Alternative methodologies

Papers are also invited for a session to run in Second Life, to be run in parallel with the real life sessions.


Abstracts: Monday 30 June 2008


Helen Farley
Conference Co-Chair
School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics
St Lucia Q 4072

Ph: + 617 3365 6324 (Outside Australia)
07 3365 6324
Fax: +617 3365 1968 (Outside Australia)
07 3365 1968
Email: h.farley@uq. edu.au

Dr Helen Farley
Room E330 Forgan Smith Building
School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics
University of Queensland Q 4072

Ph: 617 3365 6324
Mob: 617 401 878 880
Email: h.farley@uq. edu.au

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

The Turkish Cultural Foundation offers a unique cultural tour to Turkey

FALL 2008: September 15-30, 2008
Istanbul - Thrace - Marmara - Central Turkey

Bringing a new dimension to cultural tours to Turkey, the Turkish Cultural Foundation's exclusive tours highlight the arts, history and cultural heritage of Turkey through a specially designed itinerary. Our tours take you through the journey of more than 1000 years of Turkish civilization in Anatolia, visiting cities and sites off the commercial tourism track. Turkish culture comes to life throughout the tour in private artistic and musical performances and guests will sample the best of Turkish cuisine with customized menus.

This tour is designed for a distinguished group of guests of the Turkish Cultural Foundation, it is not commercially advertised and only a limited number of seats are available to the public. It can be taken as a full tour or in two parts; Istanbul, Marmara and Thrace (September 15- 23) or Central Turkey (September 22 - 30).

For more information and to receive tour programs and registration information via e-mail or mail, please send an email to istanbul@turkishcul ture.org (international) or washington@turkishc ulture.org (North America).

For the Tour's itinerary, terms and conditions and reviews of past tours organized by the Turkish Cultural Foundation, please visit the Turkish Cultural Foundation on the web.

For more information on this program and other projects of the Turkish Cultural Foundation, please visit www.turkishcultural foundation. org.

TURKISH CULTURAL FOUNDATION Boston | Washington, DC | Istanbul
Washington DC Office: 1025 Connecticut Ave., NW Ste. 1000, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 301-571-0980 Fax: 202-370-1398 E-mail: info@turkishcultura lfoundation. org www.turkishcultural foundation. org
www.turkishculture. org
www.turkishmusicpor tal.org
www.turkish- cuisine.org

Relayed by:

Doç.Dr. Sadi Çaycı
Em.As.Hak.Kd. Alb.
ASAM Uluslararası Hukuk Danışmanı

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Sadi Cayci
Colonel, Military Judge (Ret.)
ASAM International Law Advisor
Ankara, Turkey

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

TRAINING: Together in diversity [DL: 30 iun]

Miscarea Angajament Civic, cu sediul in Tirgu Mures ( www.cemo.ro) cauta participanti din mediu multicultural pentru trainingul „Împreunã în diversitate” Provocãrile diversitãtii culturale, promovarea dialogului intercultural (Together in diversity) finantat de Comunitatea Europeana prin programul Youth in Action. Cei interesati sa suna la 0740-682398 (Horváth Ádám). E-Mail: horvath.adam@ cemo.ro. Termen limită de înscriere: luni, 30 iunie 2008.

Trainingul are loc la Sovata si Tirgu Mures, in perioada 10-19 iulie 2008. Participantii trainingului vor fi tineri provenind din societãti multiculturale, vor fi prezenti persoane din Spania, Macedonia, Republica Moldova si nu în ultimul rând din România. Scopul trainingului este dezvoltarea întelegerii între persoane de diferite culturi, religii, grupuri etnice, dezvoltarea competentelor interculturale precum si promovarea dialogului intecultural, explorare si facilitarea schimbului de experiente si realitãti din tãri diferite, facilitarea cooperãrii între lucrãtori de tineret care planificã sã implementeze proiecte în cadrul programului Tineret în Actiune. Limba trainingului este engleza.

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Jun 26, 2008

CfP: Coming Home? Conflict and Return Migration in Twentieth-Century

Coming home? Conflict and return migration in twentieth-century Europe

An International conference hosted by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Southampton, and supported by the AHRC

1-3 April 2009

Call for papers

The question of return has long been thought to be central to an exilic discourse and yet relatively little is known about how return migration is actually experienced and subsequently remembered by exiles and also by migrants more widely. In order to mark the 70th anniversary of the 'official' end of the Spanish Civil War and the start of the Second World War, events which led to the mass displacement of refugees, this conference seeks contributions for papers on the broad theme of conflict and return migration in twentieth-century Europe. We welcome individual papers or panels in English that focus on any exile, refuge or migrant return episode
that has Europe as its point of arrival or departure. We are particularly interested in addressing the experiences, memories and conceptual issues of return in relation to the following questions:

What were the motivations for returning? How did institutions, political and social networks influence return? How was return organised?

What strategies did migrants adopt to deal with the impossibility of return?

How were migrants received, perceived and represented by the authorities and communities upon their return?

To what extent were attitudes and post-return daily practices (e.g. rituals, cultural practices, language etc.) influenced by the experience of migration? In what ways, if at all, did migrants re-construct questions of home and homeland upon their return?

How does return relate to the wider migratory process? To what extent does return signify the end of exile, diaspora, and the closure of the migration cycle?

How has return been remembered at an individual and group level? Does this vary between different categories of migrants?

How has return been represented in literature, art and film? What are the epistemological and ontological implications of these representations? Does an adequate representation or performance of return exist?

Keynote speakers

Alicia Alted Vigil, Professor of History, UNED, Madrid
Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand, Historian and Director of the BDIC, Paris
Franziska Meyer, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Nottingham


Organised with The Exilio Network: Research into Refugees and other Migrations, which is supported by the AHRC, and Outcast Europe.

Submitting a proposal

A selection of papers will be considered for publication after the conference. Please send abstracts (250 words) before 1 September 2008 to:

Dr Alicia Pozo Gutiérrez
Email: apg@soton.ac. uk

Dr Scott Soo
Email: ssoo@soton.ac. uk

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