Jan 27, 2009

Call for Book Chapters in the area of E-Research Collaboration

I want to share a call for book chapters by Springer-Verlag that's posted on the research collaboration website, MyNetResearch. com. It is for chapters in the area of E-Research Collaboration.

There are many interesting issues that relate to research partnerships between researchers in OECD countries and developing countries. For instance, Lee and Bozeman (2005) noted that only 5% of US research work involves collaborators from outside the States. It is the same with other countries. I have wondered if new web-based collaboration tools could lower the boundaries and increase collaboration between people from scattered countries or cultures. Anyhow, please take a look at the full post:

http://www.mynetres earch.com/ Resources. aspx?id=% 2012

Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!

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