Jan 22, 2009

The Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program

The Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program

Funded by a grant from the Government of Japan, the Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (GIPS) supports PhD studies in an academic field of study covered by ten Indonesian Centers of Excellence (CoE) participating in the program. Each of these newly established Centers of Excellence is located at a leading higher
education institution in the country with a demonstrated track record in the pursuit of excellence. The goal of the program is to promote excellence in research in these Centers to support the Ministry of National Education in its mission to improve the quality of higher education and research in the country.

Who can apply?

Candidates can apply if they

* are 45 years or younger
* have a master's degree from a recognized university; outstanding candidates with a bachelor's degree could be exceptionally considered for a fast-track Master-PhD program
* have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or more (on a scale of 4) in both bachelor and master degrees
* are a national and resident of Indonesia

Full-time lecturer and/or researcher in a Center of Excellence (CoE) or equivalent institution in Indonesia are encouraged to apply. Check mark

The deadline to apply for the Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship program is February 13, 2009

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