Jan 24, 2009

Summer academy on social vulnerability 2009

Munich Re Foundation and United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human security proudly announce the fourth annual Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability. The theme of 2009 Summer Academy will be "Tipping Points in Humanitarian Crises". Qualified PhD candidates who have an interdisciplinary focus and are working on dissertations related to environment, social vulnerability, disaster risk reduction, resilience and institutional management and change are
invited to apply for the 2009 Summer Academy by 31 January 2009.

Most participants are expected to be PhD students, ideally in their second or third year. However, a few places will be reserved for practitioners who wish to take a step back from their operational work to engage with young researchers on this strategic issue. Applications are submitted online at www.ehs.unu. edu.

Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!

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