Sep 27, 2006

PhD in Cryptographic Protocols-Bochum

Cryptographic Protocols for Multiparty Applications

Applications designed for groups of participants are widely deployed (routing protocols, DRM systems, P2P networks), or will be ready for deployment in the near future (digital conferences, collaborative work, electronic elections). This situation fosters research interest in distributed cryptographic protocols and their implementation aspects.

The Horst-Görtz-Institut e ( www.hgi.rub. de ) is Germany largest academic research institute for IT security covering all aspects of the field from mathematical cryptography to implementations. The chair for network and data security ( www.nds.rub. de ) is currently involved in the following research fields:

* group based cryptography (group key agreement, formal models for group security, group signatures),
* digital content protection (DRM, broadcast encryption),
* XML and WS security (XMaiL project, browser-based cryptographic protocols), and
* technical protections against phishing and pharming ( ).

This PhD position is intended to strengthen our research in group based cryptography. Applicants should have excellent knowledge in modern cryptography and good knowledge in at least one of the following fields:

* key agreement protocols for groups,
* group signatures,
* formal models for cryptographic protocols.

In order to actively participate in the research group, applicants should have basic knowledge and interest in Internet security, World Wide Web technology and XML.

Qualification: university diploma in computer science, mathematics, or electrical engineering.

Teaching load: 4 hours per week on average during the teaching term; tutorials, seminars, or independent instruction.

Designation: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, BAT IIa, salary depends on age and family status ( bat/Tabellen/ verguetungstabel len.html ).
Initial appointment is for three years, extension by two more years possible. The applicants are supposed to be willing to apply for thirdparty research grants.

Women and handicapped person are particularly invited to apply and will be given priority in case of equal qualifications in accordance with the relevant bylaws.

Please email your application as a single PDF file to joerg.schwenk@ , or send it to:

Prof. Dr. Jörg Schwenk
Lehrstuhl für Netz- und Datensicherheit
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Ruhr-Universitä t Bochum
Universitätsstrasse 150
D-44780 Bochum

Closing date: October 24th, 2006

[sursa beasiswa]