General Framework:
Modern research using synchrotron radiation techniques requires more and more performing x-ray optics, in particular focusing systems providing spots approaching the nm scale. The ESRF Optics Group develops various x-ray optical devices for 3rd generation synchrotron beam lines, including mirror and multilayer based (Kirkpatrick-Baez) focusing optics. In collaboration with the University of Göttingen (Germany), a solid theoretical description will be developed to underpin ongoing technological progress in the field. The work is aimed at answering both fundamental questions of performance limits of multilayer x-ray optics and providing tools to simulate and to design optimized optical devices.
Description of the thesis work:
The thesis project will address the problem of x-ray wave propagation in curved layered structures. Numerical models and algorithms will be developed to describe the electromagnetic field in- and outside of the multilayer by using dynamical theory and finite difference simulations. The agreement with fundamental physical principals such as the diffraction limit will be tested. The model should be applicable to realistic situations including structural imperfections of the optics. Ultimately, in order to validate the theoretical approach, focusing experiments with optimized devices will be carried out.
Place of Work: ESRF in Grenoble
Supervisors: ESRF: Dr. Ch. Morawe
Göttingen: Prof. Dr. T. Salditt
General Conditions:
You should hold a degree in Physics allowing enrolment for a PhD, such as an MSc, Master 2 de Recherche, Laurea or equivalent. Contract of two years renewable (subject to satisfactory progress) for one year. Gross salary around 2081 €/month. The applicant will be responsible for arranging his/her academic registration and for paying the fees (if any).
If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an e-mail ( with your address, and we will provide you with an application form. Or print out an application form on the World Wide Web In addition to the application form, you should provide us with a detailed CV and the names of two referees.
Organisation - ESRF
Street - BP220
Postal Code - 38043 Cedex 09
Country - FRANCE
E-Mail -
Website -
Application Deadline 28/02/2007