Nov 16, 2006

Early stage researcher (ICFO - The Institue of Photonic Sciences, Spain)

Early stage researcher (ESR) in Theoretical quantum optics with applications to experiments on trapped atoms

Duration: 6 months

First we will investigate the general theory of quantum feedback through the dissipative quantum channells with special emphasis on feedback induced stabilization and control of time dependent processes, such as simple oscillations, or periodic bursts. This theory will then be applied to control of the vibrations of a trapped ion by controlling the trap potential strength. In this context, the applicant's task will be to use theory of noisy quantum channells and quantum dissipative processes, applying it to describe and optimize quantum feedback mechanism.

Organisation - ICFO - The Institue of Photonic Sciences

Street - Av. del Canal Olimpic, s/n

City - Castelldefels

Postal Code - 08860

State/Province - Barcelona

Country - SPAIN

Phone - +34 93 553 4055

Fax - +34 93 553 4000

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Website -

Application Deadline - 15/12/2006