PhD Studentships Genetics and Development
Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond, Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust
University College London
The Institute of Child Health (ICH) is a postgraduate research institution which, together with its partner, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, contains the largest concentration of research expertise in the scientific basis of child health in Europe. Its standing is reflected in the Grade 5*A awarded in the 2001 HEFCE Research Assessment Exercise.
The Institute is committed to high quality postgraduate education and has a strong track record of training and support for its postgraduates. R&D is organised into a number of themes operating across the site which facilitate a high level of interaction between basic scientists, clinicians and population health scientists. The Institute is offering a number of research studentships for the academic year 2007-08 supported by the Child Health Research Appeal Trust and MRC.
Applicants selected for CHRAT or MRC funding will be able to choose from the following PhD projects (*denotes Principal Supervisor):
*Genetics and Development*
Coeliac disease, neurological dysfunction and vitamin B6 metabolism (Professor P Clayton*/Dr P Mills)
Sex differences in the developing embryo: why are females susceptible to neural tube defects? (Dr N Greene*/Professor A Copp)
Identification and characterisation of putative Hesx1 transcriptional targets (Dr J P Martinez-Barbera* /Professor M Dattani)
Tbx1 : its role in stem cells/progenitor cells of the heart (Professor P Scambler*)
Use of enteric nervous system stem cells as a potential treatment for severe gut developmental disorders (Dr N Thapar*/Dr A Burns)
The role of the T-box transcription factor TBX22 in craniofacial development
(Dr P Stanier*/Professor G Moore)
For further information about the ICH see our web site, www.ich.ucl.
Applications are invited from committed individuals wishing to do research in a clinical context, and who expect to graduate with a UK 1st class or upper 2nd class honours degree or equivalent.
For information about the projects and how to apply, please refer to the ICH vacancy website, http://www.ich. ich/humanresourc es. Please note, applications that are submitted without following the correct procedure may not be considered.
If you wish to visit the ICH to discuss these opportunities, there is an Open Day on 15th November 2006 from 2.00pm. This will include a display of posters by PhD students which demonstrates the range of ICH research.
4-year PhD studentships funded by the Medical Research Council are also tenable at ICH, in the project areas listed above. To apply for a UCL 4 year MRC DTA PhD studentship, please see: mrc-dta.
Closing date for applications to ICH: *5th January 2007*
Interview dates: *29th and 31st January 2007*
[sursa beasiswa]