Strategic Studentships for PhD Study School of Medicine
Commencing 2007
The School of Medicine is offering fully funded PhD studentships to commence in 2007, providing a minimum maintenance stipend of £12,500 and UK/EU fees. It is anticipated these prestigious studentships will be allocated to the highest quality UK/EU students. Applications are invited from such students who have, or expect to achieve, a First Class or 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject. The research projects will suit applicants from a broad range of first degree subjects including: Biological Science, Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biochemistry, Life Sciences, Maths, Medicine, Mental Health Social Work, Neuroscience, Nursing, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Social Science (click on each project to see which project suits which first degree).
A limited number of funded places will be available for excellent overseas non-EU students. It is anticipated these will be overseas students with a First Class degree (or equivalent), in the top 5% of their graduating class with evidence of excellent research potential, receipt of prizes, presentations at conferences and/or publications (but not yet being an established researcher).
These studentships are highly competitive and applicants are therefore encouraged to apply by the deadline of *17th November 2006* . A list of available projects can be found below with full details on the application process available from the Medical School website:
http://www.medicine .manchester. research/ studentships/ strategic/
The School of Medicine at Manchester is at the forefront of clinical and translational research and with the recent opening of the Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre offers a vibrant and unrivalled research environment for doctoral students.
[sursa beasiswa]