Another Population Conference to Review the
‘Progress of ICPD Programme of Action’!
The preparation of third International Parliamentarians’ Conference on Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action 2006 (also known as IPCI ICPD) is in final phase. The Conference will be convened in Bangkok at the United Nations Conference Center from November 21 to 22, 2006 and organized by Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) and UNFPA with others.
The 2006 conference will review the progress made in parliamentary advocacy since the 2004 Strasbourg conference (2nd Int. Parliamentarians Conference).
The Bangkok conference will focus on taking stock of the progress made so far by parliamentarians in advancing the ICPD agenda and coming up with a common strategy to take their collective efforts to a next level. The conference is expected to produce a forward-looking declaration that would build on the Ottawa Commitment and provide a clear sense of direction for the ten years to come.
The primary objective of the conference, according to organizer, is to continue and further promote the dialogue among parliamentarians from all regions of the globe on the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action. And encourage the parliamentarians for further commitment for collective action in the areas of resource mobilization and creation of an enabling policy environment for population and development. The conference will give special focus on taking stock of the progress made since Ottawa and coming up with a strategy for future action.
The conference will be inaugurate by Her Royal Highness Princess of Thailand Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on 21 November 2006, Ms Thoraya A. Obaid, Executive Director, UNFPA and Mr. Meechai Ruchuphan, President, Thai National Assembly will deliver the welcome notes. Apart from Ms Obaid other keynote speakers are Mr. Kim Hak-Su, Executive Secretary, UNESCAP, Ms. Gill Greer, Director-General, IPPF.
About 300 parliamentarians are expected from all over the world to attend the conference.
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