Jan 21, 2008

6 PhD fellowships, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

The Università di Roma La Sapienza offers 6 PhD fellowships for attaining the degree of "Dottore di Ricerca" (Ph. D.) in the Doctoral Schools listed in Appendix 1 [15KB] Each fellowship amounts to 16,590 € per year (net of government taxes).

Call for Applications to fellowships and admission of Foreign Nationals Educated Abroad
http://www.uniroma1 .it/studenti/ laureati/ dottorati

Call for Applications [29KB]
http://www.uniroma1 .it/documenti/ studenti/ laureati/ dottorati/ CallforAdmi

Form for application
https://par17. phys.uniroma1. it/dottorato/ ext/phdform/ form.php

[sursa beasiswa]

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