Jan 30, 2008

Scholarships for International Students at Seattle Central

Seattle Central offers scholarships to both NEW & CURRENT international students. We encourage all students to apply for scholarships. If you currently have students enrolled or in the process of enrolling at Seattle Central, please remind them to apply. More than $100,000 is available this year and applying has never been so easy, so don’t miss these great opportunities:

New students: Achievement scholarships - $250 to $1500 awards
Campus Work Experience scholarships - up to $5700 over 3 quarters
Current students: Merit scholarships - $1000 to $2500 awards
Campus Work Experience scholarships - up to $5700 over 3 quarters
Leaders among leaders scholarships - $500 awards

For more information about requirements & eligibility and to download our application forms, please visit: http://seattlecentr al.edu/internati onal/adminschola rships.shtml

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email us:
a.. For questions related to admission, study programs, immigration, I-20s, please email our advisors at iepsccc@sccd. ctc.edu
b.. For questions related to Marketing, please email Leslie Aest at Laest@sccd.ctc. edu
c.. For questions related to Scholarships, please email Johan Francois at jafrancois@sccd. ctc.edu
d.. If your students have general questions related to academics, life on campus and in Seattle, please contact one of our current students at askastudent@ sccd.ctc. edu (questions in English only). More infomation about the Seattle Central Community College can be found at http://www.seattlec entral.edu/ international/

[sursa study-x]

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