Jan 20, 2008

PhD Opportunities in the Development of Next-Generation CMOS D

PhD studentships in Ireland.

Science Foundation Ireland has recently made a major award of a Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) Grant to a group of researchers based at the Tyndall National Institute and University College Cork, Dublin City University and Queen s University Belfast together with industrial partners Intel Ireland and Seagate Technologies. This SRC is entitled FORME - for Functional Oxides and Related Materials for Electronics.

The specific aims of this Cluster are to study a range of processes associated with the development of next-generation CMOS devices and also to work towards device architectures that go far beyond CMOS technology. The team concerned represents a mixture of Materials Chemists, Physicists and industrial partners with activities spanning materials synthesis and characterisation, advanced thin layer growth, surface science studies and the optical, electrical and magnetic characterisation of a wide range of oxides and related materials.

Following this award the FORME SRC wishes to announce a major postgraduate student recruitment opportunity, through which up to 14 postgraduate students will be appointed across partner laboratories in Cork and Dublin.

Applications are encouraged from suitably qualified individuals possessing a first class or upper second class Honours degrees (or equivalent), in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Electrical/Electron ic Engineering or closely related disciplines. Applications are restricted to students from within the European Union. The specific projects/supervisor s and institutions concerned are listed below.

Please quote the relevant reference number when applying for a position.

PhD1.1.1 In-situ spectroscopic reaction monitoring of atomic layer deposition processes. Please contact Dr Ian Povey/Tyndall National Institute Cork/
ian.povey@tyndall. ie

PhD1.1.2 Design and synthesis of novel precursors for atomic layer deposition. Please contact Dr David Otway/University College Cork/dave.otway@ucc. ie

PhD1.1.3 Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of atomic layer deposition.
Please contact Dr Simon Elliott/ Tyndall National Institute Cork/simon.elliott@ tyndall.ie

PhD1.1.4 Electrical and interfacial characterisation of device structures. Please contact Dr Paul Hurley/ Tyndall National Institute Cork/paul.hurley@ tyndall.ie

PhD1.2.1 Growth of high-k nanolaminates by atomic layer deposition. Please contact Prof Martyn Pemble/ Tyndall National Institute Cork/martyn.pemble@ tyndall.ie

PhD1.2.2 Characterisation of nanolaminates using inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy. Please contact Dr Paul Hurley/ Tyndall National Institute Cork/
paul.hurley@ tyndall.ie

PhD1.3.1 Growth and characterisation of MOS structures on III-V
substrates. Please contact Prof Greg Hughes/Dublin city University greg.hughes@ dcu.ie

PhD1.3.2 First principles modeling of atomic layer deposition on III-V substrates. Please contact Dr Simon Elliott/ Tyndall National Institute Cork/simon.elliott@ tyndall.ie

PhD2.1.1 Nanocasting routes to ordered mesoporous metal oxide nanofibres. Please contact Dr Nikolay Petkov/ University College Cork n.petkov@ucc. ie

PhD2.1.4 Development of contacting strategies for template based nanostructures. Please contact Dr Aidan Quinn/ Tyndall National Institute Cork/ aidan.quinn@ tyndall.ie

PhD2.2.1 Growth of novel ferroelectric thin films. Please contact Prof Roger Whatmore/ Tyndall National Institute Cork/roger.whatmore @tyndall. ie

PhD2.2.2 Atomic layer deposition of ferroelectric and multi-ferroic
thin films. Please contact Prof Martyn Pemble/ Tyndall National Institute Cork/
martyn.pemble@ tyndall.ie

PhD2.3.1 Synthesis and characterisation of novel interconnect materials for nanoscale devices. Please contact Prof Michael Morris/University College Cork/
m.morris@ucc. ie

PhD2.3.2 Optically active nanostructured oxide materials. Please contact Dr Enda McGlynn/ Dublin City University/enda.mcglynn@ dcu.ie

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact individual project supervisors informally in the first instance, or the Project Coordinator, Professor Martyn Pemble. Enquiries by e-mail will be particularly welcome.

Prof Pemble may be contacted as follows:

Professor Martyn E Pemble
Science Foundation Ireland Investigator
Director, Advanced Materials and Surfaces Group
Tyndall National Institute
University College Cork
Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland
Tel/fax +353 21 490 4456/ 427 0271
E-mail martyn.pemble@ tyndall.ie

Each studentship will carry funding for up to four years of study, with the stipend currently standing at 16,000 per annum.

Link: http://www.tyndall. ie/careers/ postgraduate. html

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