We are seeking researchers interested in joining our Computational Genetics program in Uppsala, Sweden. We are interested in understanding the genetics underlying complex traits using a computational approach. Projects are often, but do not necessarily have to be, inspired by problems or opportunities that advent from experimental data.
We encourage scientists to form and develop their projects to suit their interests and abilities within the framework of existing funding. We also support grant proposals from individuals that wish to pursue individual projects. The project portfolio in the group will thus vary, but we usually have ongoing projects in the field of statistical and computational methods in genetics, genetic modeling, exploratory analyses of experimental datasets and experiments to validate interesting biological findings.
A common theme in our research is epistasis. We are actively developing models, algorithms and tools for large scale screening and interpretation of the genetic effects of epistatic QTL in regulating complex trait expression. Our tools have mostly been used to study the importance of epistasis in phenotypic evolution using data from divergent crosses between domesticated animals.
If you have an interest in or ideas for projects in this field or an interest in working with i) explorations of the role of of epistasis in ecological and population genetics, ii) how data from large-scale genome resequencing can be utilized in genetic mapping or iii) development of new methods for genetic mapping of complex traits, we look forward to hear from you! We aim to integrate researchers with different backgrounds both within and across traditional scientific disciplines.
We do, however, foresee that you have a relevant scientific education (Ph.D. degree or similar) and an interest in Quantitative- , Population- and Evolutionary Genetics. A strong mathematical / statistical background and programming experience is an advantage If you want to learn more about us, please visit http://www.computat ionalgenetics. se or contact Örjan Carlborg (orjan.carlborg@ hgen.slu. se).
If you are interested in working with us, please send us a CV, list of publications and a short description of what interests you in the field of complex trait genetics and what you can contribute to in an interdisciplinary group working on this topic. We look forward to hear from you! Salary and conditions of future employment(s) are under the terms of the current agreement for academic scientists employed in the public sector.
We are looking for several candidates and positions will remain open until suitable candidates have been found. Positions can start 1 Feb, 2008 at the earliest. Please feel free to spread this advert to others that might be interested! Örjan Carlborg
Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Box 7023 SE-75007 Uppsala Sweden Email: orjan.carlborg@ hgen.slu. se Phone: +46-18-672001 Mobile: +46-76-2109114 Fax: +46-18-672848 Web: http://www.orjancar lborg.com ; http://www.computationalge netics.se
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