Jun 5, 2008

MyNetResearch.com Doctoral Award Competition 2008

The MyNetResearch. com Doctoral Award was established in 2008. The award is sponsored by MyNetResearch LLC, and is administered by its Senior Editor and the Editorial Board.

1. Nature of the Award
The competition shall consist of three awards of $1,000 each (funded by MyNetResearch) .

2. Purpose of the Award
The competition was established to provide support to doctoral students. In 2008, the award will recognize three outstanding doctoral students from any discipline, and from any country. This international award will be awarded for the outstanding and innovative research ideas that have the potential to lead to advancements in their respective fields of study. The submitted short articles should be detailed in 1,500 words or less and must cover original work on theoretical models, experimental
design, research findings, or inventions. The grants may be used in any way that furthers the student's doctoral research, including presentation and publication costs of the completed dissertation.

3. Eligibility
3.1 The scholarship recipient must meet the following qualifications:
(a) Be an active doctoral student in a degree-granting accredited institution;
(b) Have completed all their course work; and
(c) Is actively working on a doctoral dissertation;

4. Submissions
The submission package should include the following:
(a) The research paper; The paper must be formatted according to the MLA or APA authoring guidelines and not exceed 1,500 words.
(b) Name, Institution, Phone # and email of the Dissertation Advisor endorsing the proposal.
(c) All submissions must be made by August 30th, 2008 through the MyNetResearch website on the page. Site registration is required and free.

5. Competition Administration
• The MyNetResearch Doctoral Award is sponsored by MyNetResearch LLC, and is administered by its Advisory Board.
• The MyNetResearch Doctoral Award Panel is composed of members of the Advisory board headed by the Senior Editor.
• Submissions will be judged on merit of the potential significance of research to the applicant's respective discipline. The Panel's decisions are final.
• The Senior Editor of MyNetResearch will email award notifications to the winners of the competition and their names will posted on www.MyNetResearch. com.

6. Publicity
The scholarship shall be publicized in the MyNetResearch newsletter and all qualifying submissions (winners and non-winners) will be published in the Articles Section of MyNetResearch. com.

7. Timetable for projects for funding during AY 2008-2009
All submissions must be made by August 30th, 2008 through the MyNetResearch website on the page. Site registration is required and free.

URL: http://www.MyNetres earch.com/ Articles/ SubmitArticle. aspx

The MyNetResearch Doctoral Award Decisions will be made by October 15, 2008.

Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!

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