Jun 17, 2008

PhD Stipends at the Danish Research School of Psychology (University of Copenhagen)

Stipends for PhD studies in Psychology commencing on January 1, 2009, or shortly after, can be sought from the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication through the Danish Research School of Psychology.

The deadline for application is July 16, 2008.

The application must be sent electronically to anette.andersenpsy.ku.dk and in 1 paper copy to the Danish Research School of Psychology, Att. Anette Andersen, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5A, bygning 10, DK-1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark.

The application must normally be in Danish. It must contain

the name of the university (Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, or Roskilde University Center) at which the applicant wants to be enrolled

information about the relationship of the proposed PhD project to one or more of the educational programmes of the Danish Research School of Psychology (Psychological Research Methods and Philosophy of Science, Cognitive and Neuropsychology, Personality and Educational Psychology, Social and Cultural Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology, and Clinical and Health Psychology)

Application Form of the Danish Research Agency filled out in accordance with the instructions provided by the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication (in particular, pp. 13-15)

a project proposal of not more than 12,000 taps (typically 5 pages of 2,400 taps) including spaces, notes, and reference citations in the text but excluding the list of literature; the total number of taps must be indicated at the end of the project proposal

a CV of not more than 1 page

a list of publications

a degree certificate or a complete transcript of marks

name of proposed main supervisor and a statement by the named person endorsing the proposal

an expression of interest from that or those PhD schools at which the applicant wants to study, signed by the head of the school or the dean

On the basis of the received applications, the Danish Research School of Psychology will seek up to four PhD stipends from the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication to selected candidates.

Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!

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