Jul 25, 2008

Post-Doc Position: Center for Tropical Marine Ecology

Deadline: 25 August, 2008
The Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), an associate member of the Leibniz Society, addresses ecological and socio-economic issues related to the sustainable use of tropical coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs and sea grass beds. Research and teaching at the Center are devoted to the structure and functions of these ecosystems, their resources and their vulnerability to human interventions and natural changes. The research is conducted within interdisciplinary partnership projects with institutions and universities in the tropics.

The social-ecological systems (SES) analysis group at the ZMT investigates human-nature relations. Participatory approaches to the generation of social-ecological system understanding and to the identification of ways to steer coastal change into more desirable directions are major foci. The SES group operates a research programme
in three coastal regions of Indonesia (SPICE Cluster 6). We are now looking for a social or natural scientist with a strong interdisciplinary research orientation. The post is embedded in the two key research themes of SPICE Cluster 6 (Social-ecological systems analysis and Governance). The research under this post should provide new insights on the potentials of alternative livelihood options (e.g.
marine polyculture) as socially, economically and ecologically sustainable income sources for Indonesian coastal communities. A focus on innovations is encouraged. The field focus of this post is in the Spermonde Coral Archipelago but the research should provide results of wider relevance.

The position is at the level of E13 and initially funded from 1.10 2008 until 30.8 2010. Further work is envisaged. The ZMT is interested in increasing the number of women in the field of science and encourages qualified women to apply. Given similar levels of qualification, physically handicapped applicants will be given preference. Interviews will be held in the period August 28 th until September 5th .

Please apply by e-mail (CV with current address and phone number, statement of interest, work proposal of 2-4 pages and names of two referees) by August 25th to zmtsekr@zmt- bremen.de.

Deadline: 25 August, 2008
Contact: zmtsekr@zmt- bremen.de

Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!

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