Since 2001 it has been held in Vienna each the first and only festival of animated film that is dedicated exclusively to animation by women.
Tricky Women Award of the City of Vienna worth 4000 Euro Synchro Film & Video Material Prize worth 1,500 Euro
3-month scholarship in the artist-in-residence programme of quartier21/MQ Hubert
Sielecki Award worth 500 Euro (for Austrian animation)
Audience Award/Awards: Awards and prize monies will go to the directresses of the films.
The festival offers an international competition of animated short films realised by female artists and produced in 2008 or 2009. Each filmmaker, producer or distributor may submit as many films as they like. Each film submitted must be accompanied by an entry form and sent on a separate tape or reel. No films entered in prior Tricky Women Festivals shall be admitted. The deadline for applications for the preliminary selection is October 30, 2009. One application form must be filled in completely (2 pages!) for every competition entry. Applicants must enclose documentation material (at least two film stills as jpeg 300dpi and biographical information on the
directress and details of her filmmaking history - CD-Rom welcome). The selection committee shall refuse any entries that fail to comply with these conditions. For every film to be presented at the preliminary selection a clearly marked DVD must be sent in together with an application form. The DVD must CLEARLY show the name and the address of the directress as well as the running time of the production. Each DVD shall contain one work only. Applicants should enclose an English version of any non-English text, dialogue or commentary contained in the film. Films to be screened at the festival must be in 35 mm, 16 mm or Beta SP PAL and should be in master quality. Other projection formats won’t be accepted! The screening copy must arrive no later than February 1, 2010 at the festival office (Tricky Women, culture2culture, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna, Austria). Film/video copies from abroad must bear the label “temporary import – for cultural purposes only – no trade value� on the package. Dispatches from non-EU states must contain a pro-forma invoice (amounting to a maximum of 20 euro).
The costs of transport (to the festival) as well as customs duties, etc. are the sole responsibility of the sender. DVD or VHS videos for selection will not be returned and will become part of the non commercial archive of the festival organization culture2culture. The festival organization will cover the costs of returning the screening
During the festival the productions are insured for their print value. The insurance is valid from the time of postal receipt of the film until it is sent back
Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!