Feb 1, 2011

Sixth International Congress on: Electron Tomography, 5 - 8 May 2011

The programme for the Sixth International Congress on:

Electron Tomography, 5 - 8 May 2011

is now available on the conference website: www.embl.de/training/events/2011/TOM11-01.

The congress will take place in Heidelberg, Germany at the EMBL Advanced Training Centre.

Registration and abstract deadline: 18:00 CET on 1 March 2011
Please note that registration without an abstract submission is possible.

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

The conference will bring together researchers working on hardware development, software development, and applications of electron tomography, particularly in biology. It will address breakthroughs in biology derived from tomography studies, as well as recent and upcoming technical developments in electron tomography.

Topics covered will include:
- Cryo-electron tomograms at molecular resolution
- The future of cameras and correctors
- Correlative light and electron microscopy
- Cutting edge image processing algorithms
- High-throughput, large-scale reconstructions of plastic embedded samples
- Sub-tomogram averaging

There are a limited number of fellowships available, you will find further information on the website.

You are welcome to circulate this announcement to interested members and groups within your institute.

We look forward to welcoming you in Heidelberg, Germany.

John Briggs, EMBL, Germany
Achilleas Frangakis, Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany
Andreas Hoenger, University of Boulder, USA
Grant Jensen, California Institute of Technology, USA
Ohad Medalia, Ben Gurion and University of Zurich, Israel

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ruth Hazlewood.

European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Email: ruth.hazlewood@ embl.de
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