Sep 8, 2006

CfA: Odessa National University Model United Nations 2006

Dear Friends,

You are welcome to participate in international student conference Odessa National University Model United Nations 2006 (ONUMUN) on December 1-3, 2006. The conference will take place on the Black Sea coast, at Odessa city, Ukraine. This year we organize our conference in fifth time.

The deadline for application is - 17th of November, 2005.

You will have free breakfasts, lunches and dinners within 3 days of the conference. We don't have travel grants. Please, take into account that you should pay for your accommodation, but our team do our best to arrange the cheap hostel for al participants.

For any additional information, please, visit our web-site http://www.onumun. ua/
Or feel free to ask ONUMUN team via e-mail

[sursa romstudyabroad]