Sep 12, 2006

NanoBio2006 in Saint-Petersburg

For the first time in Russia, an international workshop on NanoBiotechnologies is held in Saint-Petersburg on 27-29 November 2006, at the State Polytechnical University.

At the interface of physical and biological sciences, Nanobiology is a new discipline, which combines the tools, ideas and materials of nanoscience and biology.

Nanobiology addresses to biological problems that can be studied and solved by nanotechnology; it thinks out ways to construct molecular devices using biomacromolecules and it attempts to build molecular machines utilizing concepts seen in nature.

The development of computational modeling and informatics software will enable scientists and engineers to apply nanotechnology to key areas of medical research, including diagnostics, biosensing, drug delivery and biomaterial design. The aim of this international workshop is to set the discussion between biologists, physicists, computer scientists and engineers, traditionally divided groups, and bridge the gap between materials science and life science.

Main topics during this workshop will concern Artificial Nanostructures, Nanocarbon, Energy Nanomaterials, Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology, Nanobionics, Nanodesign, Regulatory and Signaling Networks, Noise in Biological Systems, Integrative Data and Text Mining Approaches, Signal Processing, Nanodiagnostics, Nanobiosensors, Nanobiotech Education and Industrial Innovation.

The scientific program will consist of both oral and poster presentations. The Sessions of the Workshop will take place in the Main Building of Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University. Address: 29 Polytechnicheskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Notes to editor:
More information:
Tel.: +7 (812) 534 95 13
Fax: +7 (812) 297 20 88
E-mail: nanobio@spbcas. ru
Web site: http://www.spbcas. ru/nanobio/
http://cordis. wire/index. cfm?
fuseactionfiltered=article. Detail&rcn= 9834

[sursa ro_ist]