Nov 14, 2006

Junior Engineer/Engineer (University of Malta)

The appointment, which is subject to a probationary period of one year, is on a full-time basis and is subject to the rules and regulations governing from time to time the Malta Public Service in general and the Department for Projects and Development, Ministry for Gozo in particular and involves liability to transfer according to the exigencies of the Malta Public Service

The main duties of a Junior Engineer/Engineer (Electrical) in the Department for Projects and Development include;

(a) Preparing Business Plans and programmes of work in accordance with the policies of the Department and in liaison with the Director for Projects and Development, implementing plans and programmes and ensuring quality, effectiveness and efficiency in the execution of work;

(b) Assisting the Director for Projects and Development as may be required, including the preparation of reports, estimates, tender specifications and adjudications;

(c) Analysing regular work reports with a view to increasing efficiency and quality of work;

(d) Co-ordinating and drawing up detailed design and draft specifications for work of an electrical nature, as well as the monitoring and certification of works;

(e) Monitoring design standards of electrical systems and ensuring their application;

(f) Carrying out site visits to provide technical assistance in the design of projects and supervising installations;

(g) Operating and maintenance of electrical systems.

Subject to satisfactory performance, an Engineer in Scale 9 will proceed to Scale 8 (Lm 6,306 x 209 ­ Lm 7,560) on completion of two years service in the grade and to Scale 7 (6,713 x 228 ­ Lm 8,081) on completion of ten years of proven professional practice (or eight years practice after obtaining warrant), provided that the qualifying period for progression from Scales 8 to 7 is reduced by two years in the case of Engineers in possession of an approved post-graduate qualification.

Organisation - Ministry for Gozo

Division/Faculty/Department - Projects and Development Department

Street - St Francis Square

City - Victoria

Postal Code - VCT

Country - MALTA

Phone - +356 2155 8078

Fax - +356 2155 8078

E-Mail -

Website -

Application Deadline - 01/12/2006