Nov 14, 2006

PhD studentship at Dublin City University (DCU) - Migration a

Congress/DCU Migration and Social Integration 3 year PhD studentship

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Congress) has established a PhD studentship at Dublin City University (DCU) to examine the issue of migration and social integration in contemporary Ireland. Given the growing importance of migration and its impact on labour relations, this studentship will make a useful contribution to the development of trade union thinking and policy-making around these issues.

Applicants should hold a high-class undergraduate degree in any social science or cognate discipline. Preference will be given to those with a Masters level qualification. Experience of trade union or similar social movements is desirable. The scholarship will be held for three years and is expected to lead to the award of
a PhD from the School of Politics and Law. The scholarship shall consist of a maintenance grant of E12,500 per annum, together with the payment of University fees. Interested applicants should complete the application form available at http://www.dcu. ie/registry/ forms/pdfs/ ro12.pdf

Completed forms, together with a sample of written work such as a chapter from a dissertation should be sent to Prof. Ronnie Munck, Director of Migration and Integration Programme, Theme Leaders Office by the 15th of December 2006. Email is fine. For informal enquiries please write to Ronnie Munck (Ronnie.munck@ or
Eileen Connolly (Eileen.connolly@

[sursa romstudyabroad]