May 11, 2007

USA: Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT

Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT

We offer experienced journalists the opportunity to increase their understanding of science, technology, medicine and the environment. Our nine-month fellowships provide the time for in-depth study—a year away from deadlines to follow your intellectual curiosity. Can’t get away for nine months? In our week-long boot camps and workshops, journalists learn from top scientists and policy makers.

The Fellowships are designed for self-motivated journalists who hope to improve their coverage of science, technology, medicine or the environment. We are part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The nine-month program is divided between individually- chosen activities and twice-weekly Knight seminars arranged by the director. A Fellow's work usually includes courses audited at MIT and Harvard, attendance at departmental colloquia, field trips, lab visits, interviews, reading and writing. Each Fellow designs his or her own course of study in discussion with the director. Some Fellows audit three or four courses.
Others choose to spend time in a lab.

Our twice-a-week seminars, laboratory visits and field trips bring Fellows up-to-date on current research and broaden their exposure to various fields of science. A number of seminars are devoted to the craft of science writing and issues involving interactions between science and society. Knight Fellows also gain automatic admission to our highly competitive week-long Boot Camps.

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation is the principal sponsor of the

The Stipend
Knight Fellows receive $55,000, divided into nine installments over the academic year. Fellows must pay all their living costs in the Cambridge area. Apartments are relatively expensive by U.S. standards. Many employers subsidize Fellows by paying the difference between the stipend and their regular salary. In return, employers customarily have the right to ask Fellows to return and remain for at least one year following the fellowship.

We award 10 to 12 fellowships each year. To be eligible for a Knight Fellowship, you must have at least three years of full-time experience covering science, technology, medicine or the environment. We also consider journalists who wish to gain expertise in these fields and who have at least five years of full-time experience. This experience must be in the years immediately prior to applying.

Applicants must demonstrate a high level of journalistic excellence and accomplishment, as well as a long-term commitment to their craft. Applicants may be reporters, writers, editors, producers, illustrators or photographers. They may work for newspapers, magazines, television, radio or the web. We also consider full-time freelance journalists. There are no educational prerequisites. Professionals working in public information, public relations, the trade press, government or academia are not eligible.

Journalists from all countries compete on an equal basis. Our $55,000 stipend is awarded to all Fellows, regardless of nationality. If you are not a U.S. citizen and are chosen for a fellowship, your fellowship is contingent upon receiving a J-1 visa from the U.S. State Department.

Unless self-employed, applicants must obtain a leave of absence from their employer. Knight Fellowships require full-time residence in the Boston/Cambridge area for the academic year—September through May. Fellows are required to participate in our twice-weekly seminars, field trips and Boot Camps. Fellows must refrain from professional work during their fellowship year.

How to Apply

The application for a Knight Fellowship at MIT consists of the following materials:
a.. application form
b.. two brief essays
c.. letters of recommendation
d.. samples of your work
e.. Details are provided in the application form.
Download a PDF of the application form here. (You will need Adobe Acrobat to download the form.) You must mail your application to us. We do not accept applications via email or fax.

All materials, including letters of recommendation, must be received by March 1 for fellowships beginning the following September.

Contact us
If you have questions about your eligibility, have general questions about the program, or would like to receive an application by mail, you can:
E-mail us at knight-info@
Telephone us at 617-253-3442
Fax us at 617-258-8100
Refer to our Contacts Page for more details

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