Jan 18, 2008

PhD in Algebra, University of Bremen

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Bremen is seeking qualified applicants for

3 graduate student positions
*(subject to final approval, Entgeltgruppe ½ 13 TV-L) * each one for the duration of 3 years.

The successful candidates will join the working groups "Combinatorial Algebraic Topology" and "Discrete Structures in Algebra and Geometry" starting April 1, 2008, or later.

*Profile: *

The envisioned research directions of these working groups are: Combinatorial Algebraic Topology, Tropical Geometry, discrete structures in Algebra and Topology, and topological methods in Discrete Mathematics. We offer an active work and research atmosphere with strong international connections.

*Job description: *

- independent research leading to the completion of a doctoral thesis in mathematics
- 2 hours/week teaching assistance (exercise sessions)
- assistance with conference organization and public outreach programs

*Desired qualifications: *

- an excellent diploma or master degree in mathematics at an internationally recognised university
- knowledge of algebra, topology, geometry and discrete mathematics is of advantage
- ability to work independently

*For further information please contact*

Prof. Dr. Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov, dfk@math.uni- bremen.de,
www.math.uni- bremen.de/ ~dfk

Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Feichtner, emf@math.uni- bremen.de,
www.math.uni- bremen.de/ ~emf

As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science women are particularly encouraged to apply.

In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification disabled persons will be given priority.

All material which the applicant considers necessary should be sent, under the reference number A 1/08, preferably electronically and until 29.02.2008 to

Birgit Feddersen
FB 3 - Mathematik und Informatik
Universität Bremen
Postfach 330 440
28334 Bremen

birgitf@math. uni-bremen. de

We would be very grateful if you could submit your application documents as copies (no folders). We cannot return your documents for cost reasons. After the selection process is completed the documents will be destroyed.

dfk (at) math (dot) uni-bremen (dot) de
emf (at) math (dot) uni-bremen (dot) de
birgitf (at) math (dot) uni-bremen (dot) de

[sursa beasiswa]

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