Jan 17, 2008

PhD studentships in Management Mathematics, Univ. Lancaster, UK

Doctoral Studentships in Management Mathematics, Statistics or Computing: Stipend up to £15,300 (+fees)

The only 6 star Management School outside London. Ranked joint 2nd in the UK and 9th in the world for PhD programmes by the FT 2006. The Department of Management Science (a part of the 6* rated Lancaster University Management School) is looking to recruit excellent doctoral students with a strong quantitative background including mathematics, statistics or computing.

Career prospects in management science and operational research are excellent with skills shortages in universities and research oriented organisations including private sector consultancies and government. Topics include the analysis of queues and networks, optimisation and scheduling (applicable to logistics problems), forecasting and computer intensive methods including simulation and high performance

Supervision is available in all areas of Management Science in one of the largest departments in Europe, see www.lums.lancs. ac.uk/Department s/ManSci/ Research Full scholarships are only available to home students and there are generous scholarships also available to EU and overseas students.

Find out more: www.lums.lancs. ac.uk/phd
Contact Gay Bentinck +44 (0)1524 592408: email g.bentinck@lancaste r.ac.uk
Closing date for applications: Friday 7th March 2008

website link:
http://www.lums. lancs.ac. uk/files/ 13105.doc
http://www.lums. lancs.ac. uk/departments/ ManSci/Research/

[sursa beasiswa]

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