Jan 1, 2008

USA: Ph.D. in Peace Studies

The Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies is accepting applications for its new doctoral program in peace studies, launched in partnership with Notre Dame’s departments of history, political science, psychology, and sociology. We encourage outstanding students who have demonstrated a serious commitment to global peace and justice to apply for one of the following:

Ph.D. in History and Peace Studies

Ph.D. in Political Science and Peace Studies

Ph.D. in Psychology and Peace Studies

Ph.D. in Sociology and Peace Studies

The deadline for applications is February 1, 2008, for students seeking admission in Fall 2008.

Men and women of all nationalities and religious and philosophical traditions are welcome to apply.

Students will be prepared in the solid research methodologies associated with the time-honored disciplines of history, political science, psychology, and sociology while also undertaking interdisciplinary study on the causes of armed conflict, the conditions necessary for peace, and the essential ingredients for effective peacebuilding.

For more information and instructions on how to apply, please visit the Kroc Institute website at http://kroc. nd.edu. For more information about the University of Notre Dame, visit www.nd.edu.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Robert C. Johansen
Director of Doctoral Studies
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
Kroc-admissions. 1@nd.edu

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