Jan 5, 2008

USA: Stipendium pro MA in Law and Diplomacy, Fletcher School, Tufts University

Scholarships for Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy Program at Fletcher School, Tufts Univesity

The Fletcher School’s keystone degree program, the Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) program enrolls more than 180 of the top students from more than 80 countries. The interdisciplinary approach to the curriculum—drawing from the School’s three divisions—ensures that each student gains a breadth of knowledge in international affairs. Students gain depth of knowledge through two fields of study in functional and regional concentrations. For decades, the MALD degree program has graduated many of the world’s leaders in private, public and non-profit sectors.


The Fletcher School awards over $3 million dollars in scholarship aid annually. Scholarship decisions are made by the Committee on Admissions and Scholarships based on merit and need. Need is assessed with the Fletcher Scholarship Application (included with the application for admission) and is supplemented by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) analysis (U.S. and permanent residents only). Fletcher scholarship awards are announced by April 1. Scholarships are renewable for the second year of study unless otherwise noted.

All applicants who complete the Fletcher Scholarship Application by January 15 are eligible for scholarship aid consideration. No distinction is made between domestic and international students in awarding scholarship funds.

Fletcher Board of Overseers Scholarship
Through the generosity of The Fletcher School Board of Overseers, the Committee on Admissions and Scholarships awards Board of Overseers Scholarships to the most outstanding MALD candidates each year. Both international students and United States citizens and permanent residents are eligible. All MALD applicants who submit the Fletcher Scholarship Application are considered for the scholarship and need not submit a separate application.

Hargens Fellowship
The Fletcher School is pleased to offer the Hargens Fellowship program. Hargens Fellows receive a two-year, full tuition scholarship for study in the MALD program. The Committee on Admissions and Scholarships will select candidates on the basis of both merit and financial need. Emphasis in the selection process will be placed on candidates who exhibit exceptional academic achievement and a strong commitment to the field of international affairs. Both international students and United States citizens are eligible. All students who submit the Fletcher Scholarship Application are considered for the fellowship and need not submit a separate application. Support for the Hargens Fellowship Program was generously provided by the estate of George B. and Helen J. Hargens.

Website: http://fletcher. tufts.edu/ admissions/ scholarships. shtml

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