Jul 2, 2008

Summer-school on HIV-therapy at Frankfurt University

The network of the International Partnership on HIV (IPH) of the HIVCENTER at the University of Frankfurt announces its summer-school on HIV-therapy

"The Global Binding Site - Connecting Individualised Therapy and Public Health Approach in the Treatment of HIV/AIDS"
Between the: October 27th till November 9th 2008

According to the WHO estimates 2.1 milion people died only 2007. 33.2 milion people are living with the virus today. Of those, 2.5 milion infected themselves last year. The epidemic is affecting every country of the globe and although local differences in terms of prevalence, socio-economic impact and national approach exist, basic principles of treatment and care of this viral infection apply to all, and intense
international exchange of knowledge is of utmost portance to address this disease adequately.

To facilitate this exchange of knowledge among physicians involved in treatment and care of HIV internationally, the International Partnership on HIV, a network of organisations involved in HIV treatment and care from South Africa, Lesotho and Germany, has initiated a series of annual summer schools of which the first will be
held in Frankfurt, Germany between the .

October 27th - November 9th 2008

The school aims to bring together physicians involved in HIV therapy from diverse settings, to exchange knowledge and experience focusing on relevant linkages and parallels between the different therapeutic approaches. Next to giving scientific basis on principles of today's HIV treatment, the summer school has a strong focus on clinical research as a tool to develop new therapeutic strategies to improve
treatment and care of HIV/AIDS. Working Language will be English.

Please find the full announcement of the Summer-School here:
http://www.hivcente r.de/cms/ images/stories/ 04_mediacenter/ final_-_announce ment_summer_ school_2008. pdf

Application form:
http://www.hivcente r.de/cms/ images/stories/ 04_mediacenter/ anmeldeformulat_ ihp-summer_ school_2008. doc

Please see here for further information:
http://www.hivcente r.de/cms/ index.php? option=com_ content&task= view&id=241& Itemid=702

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