Jul 14, 2008

TOC: Albanian Journal of Politics, Vol. IV, Issue 1 (June 2008)



Chiodi, Luisa. 2008. "The profession of Civil Society in Post-communist Albania." Albanian Journal of Politics, IV(1) (June 2008).

Alpion, Gezim. 2008. "Brain down the drain. An exposé of social closure in Western academia." Albanian Journal of Politics, IV(1)(June 2008).


Hajrullahu, Arben. 2007. "Langfristiger Frieden am Westbalkan durch EU-Integration. Der EU-Integrationsproz eß als Chance für die Überwindung des serbisch-kosovoaris chen Konfliktes." [Long term peace in the Western Balkans through EU-Integration. ] Albanian Journal of Politics, IV (1) (June 2008).

Reviewed by Henriette Riegler.

Mulaj, Kledja. 2008. "Politics of Ethnic Cleansing: Nation-State Building and Provision of In/Security in Twentieth-Century Balkans." Albanian Journal of Politics, IV (1) (June 2008).

Reviewed by Ada Hyso.

Email: ajp@alpsa.org
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