Jan 13, 2009

Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies: publication announcement

The /Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies/ is pleased to announce that the following articles have recently been posted on its website at http://www.lancs.ac.uk/jais

Editors Preface and Bibliography of Michael G. Carter.

Tetz Rooke: '/In the Presence of Absence/: Mahmoud Darwish's Testament'.

Maria Persson: 'The Role of the /b-/prefix in Gulf Arabic Dialects as a Marker of Future, Intent and/or Irrealis'.

Heikki Palva: Sedentary and Bedouin Dialects in Contact: Remarks On Karaki and Salti Dialects of Jordan.

Lutz Edzard: Principles Behind the Eighth Revised Edition of Rudolf-Ernst Brünnow's and August Fischer's Arabische Chrestomathie aus Prosaschriftstellern: A Tribute to the Scholarly Methods of Michael G. Carter.

Anne Sofie Roald: From Theocracy to Democracy? Towards Secularization and Individualization in the Policy of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan.

Gunvor Mejdell: What is Happening to /Lughatuna 'l-Gamila/? Recent Media Representations and Social Practice in Egypt.

Ludmila Torlakova: The Notion /Weapon/ in Arabic Idioms.

Simon O'Meara, A Legal Aesthetic of Medieval and Pre-Modern Arab-Muslim Architectural Space.

Oddbjørn Leirvik: Conscience in Arabic and the Semantic History of /Damir/.

Abdulrazzak Patel: /Nahda/ Epistolography: Al-Shartuni's /al-Shihab/ and the Western Art of Letter-Writing.

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