Jan 17, 2008

"Peacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution" course at Durham, UK

Durham University
School of Government & International Affairs
Unit for Security Studies & Training-UniSST
Durham – UK

In collaboration with

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research
Programme of Correspondence Instruction in
Peacekeeping Operation
New York – USA

Is proud to offer the following Short Course:
http://www.dur. ac.uk/sgia/ poci/

Mar 17 – 19, 2008
http://www.dur. ac.uk/sgia/ pocib/
http://www.unitarpo ci.org/classroom _course_detail. php?cid=683

This short course is organised in three meetings and designed to offer to the students a basic understanding of the field of Conflict Resolution and its application to peacekeeping intervention in contemporary international conflicts.

The lectures will cover the following topics: The nature of conflict; Key concepts of conflict resolutions; Contemporary conflict dynamics; Conflict mapping; Early warnings and conflict prevention; Peacekeeping and conflict resolution in war zones;
Peace settlements and post-conflict peace building; The role of culture in conflict resolution; Gender issue.

Earning a Certificate of Completion from United Nations Institute for Training and Research: By the end of the course, students, who have achieved a passing grade of 75% or higher in the “Global Terrorism Course” and/or the “UN Peacekeeping and
International Conflict Resolution Final Exam” are awarded the Certificate- of-Completion from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Programme
of Correspondence, Instruction in Peacekeeping Operations, www.unitarpoci. org.
College and ACCP Credits: The U.S. Army Institute for Professional Development (AIPD) has reviewed UNITAR POCI Courses and determined they merit Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP) credits. US personnel who complete UNITAR POCI courses may have these ACCP credits recorded in their US Army personnel records. UNITAR POCI Peacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution Course provide 22
ACCP credits.

Transfer Credit:
The “American Military University-Transfer Credit
Evaluation Center” recognises the UNITARPOCI
Certificates for their undergraduate degree programs:
http://www.apus. edu/TransferCred it/accepted/ Undergraduate/ mou/unitar- poci
Lecturer: Dr. Giovanni Ercolani, Director UniSST,
UNITARPOCI Research Associate
Katherine HARBORD, Assistant Director UniSST, email:
katherine.harbord@ durham.ac. uk
Lorraine HOLMES, email: holmes@durham. ac.uk
http://www.dur. ac.uk/sgia/ pocib/

[sursa e-nass]

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