Jul 2, 2006

CfA: last call for European Studies Master (deadline 30th July)

The deadline for the applications to IEHEI which is a branch of CIFE whose presidency is led by Jean Claude Juncker, Actual President of Luxembourg, is appraoching.

30th of July is the last date for all applications for European Studies Master that will take place in istanbul-nice-berlin!

Su an Luksemburg Basbakani Jean Claude Juncker tarafindan baskanligi yurutulen CIFE'e bagli IEHEI (Institut Européenne Des Hautes Etudes International) Avrupa Calismalari Masteri icin son basvuru tarihi yaklasiyor.

Istanbul-Nice-Berlin'de gerceklesecek olan tezli master icin son basvuru 30 Temmuzda olup kontenjan doluluguna gore daha erken dondurulabilecektir.

Asagida programla ilgili ingilizce ve Turkce detayli bilgileri bulabilirsiniz:



Academic year 2006/2007

We would like to inform you about our Master's program in Advanced European and International Studies, which is a nine months' intensive academic program committed to the studies of European integration as well as international relations.

*Location:* Istanbul, Nice, Berlin

*Duration:* 9 months (From October to July)

*Deadline:* The deadline for applications is on *July 31th, 2006**.*

* A limited number of scholarships are available. *
*In any case, applications and especially request for financial aid should reach the I.EH.E.I. as early as possible in order to be considered under the best conditions**.*

* *

*Curriculum Highlights: *Students who successfully complete the program acquire 60 ECTS credits. In addition to the stays in Istanbul, Nice, Berlin, the Institute offers a study trip to European and international organizations in Geneva, Strasbourg, Brussels, and Paris.

*Program Value:* The program consists of academicians from various European countries, as well as experts from research institutions and international organizations. Over the last years, the Institute has graduated 5000 students coming from more than 80 different countries, having offered them many scholarship opportunities.

*Subject Areas:* International Relations, European Integration, Democracy and Society, Federalism.

*This program is supported by the European Union*.

For further information, you are welcome to consult our web site at *



Ø *1965'*den günümüze *3000* mezunu olan , Fransa'nýn Nice kentindeki *
Avrupa Komisyonu tarafýndan finansal olarak desteklenen* Avrupa
Enstitüsünde *disiplinlerarasý *yüksek bir eðitim imkaný

Ø Türkiye'de ve yurtdýþýnda geçerli çift diploma olanaðý (60 ECTS
kredi denkliðinde)

Ø Diploma sonrasý *staj olanaklarý* ve *mezunlar network*'ünden
yararlanma olanaðý

Ø Uluslarasý bir ortamda, yabancý öðrencilerle yabancý dilde (*Ýngilizce veya Fransýzca* ) yüksek lisans yapma fýrsatý

Ø Avrupa Kurumlarýna bilgi gezisi (*Brüksel, Cenevre, Strasburg,vs.)*

Ø Avrupa Kurumlarýnda karar alma mekanizmalarýný kavramanýzý saðlayacak *simülasyonlar*, Avrupa Birliði konusunda uzmanlaþmanýzý saðlayacak uzmanlarýn katýlýmýyla gerçekleþen, müzakere baþlýklarýný incesleyen *professional
skills* modülü

Ø Avrupanýn çeþitli ülkelerinden derslere katýlan uzmanlar, akademisyenler ,profesyoneller

Ø Ayrýntýlý bilgi için internet sitemizi ziyaret edebilir veya aþaðýdaki iletiþim adreslerinden bizimle irtibat kurabilirsiniz

Yours sincerely,


E-mail: bgorak@bahcesehir.edu.tr
Tel: +90 212 236 54 90 / 1294
Fax: +90 212 258 70 83
Site Internet : www.iehei.org/dheei/istanbul/presentation.htm

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