Dear Colleague,
International Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress is open to the participation of both national and international academics, competents, and practitioners. In order to participate, firstly, the paper proposal consisting of 200 words and including the objective, the method and possible findings should be e-mailed to the account until 1 August 2006.
Papers are invited on... 1. Knowledge Economy: Definition, Scope and Contents 2. Information and Communication Technologies and Externalities 3. R&D and Innovation 4. New Economy and Economic Policies 5. New Economy and International Trade 6. E-Trade and Digital Signature 7. Knowledge and Human Capital 8. Knowledge Management etc.
Congress Registration Fee: Participant With Paper: Free of charge (only for foreign participants-accommodation, includes conference kits, cultural activities, receptions banquet, morning and afternoon teas, congress proceedings) Others: 100 Euro
International Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress
3-5 November, 2006/Turkey
Kocaeli University
Web Page:
E mail:
[sursa e-nass]